Eheim 2217

ok here is how mine is set up

ceramic media on bottom (inside the basket)
course sponge ontop of that
little grey stone media on top of that
filter floss on the very top
screw lid on and place inside cannister.

attach inlet hose to the bottom
attach outlet hose to the top.

starting the filter
create a syphon by sucking on the outlet (the bit that attaches to the spray bar)
then and only then plug in the filter.

Bobs your uncle, job done!
Hey Wolf, I've been contemplating buying another Emperor 400 for my 75G. I've finally ruled out an AquaClear 500. Now I'm thinking of a canister. I read up on them and Eheim's seem like the way to go. I like canisters because you can customize the media and they hold a lot more. How often do you maintain them and how long does it take? Is it messy? I guess I need some convincing. I especially like them because I'm experimenting with plants in my 10G and if all goes well I'd like to plant the 75. Thanks for the help.
actually I cleaned mine for the first time scince installing it, around two months ago.
I have the eheim classic 2213 and will be getting more as and when I can. I highly recomend then, way superior to fluvals.
I'll definitely look into it. I'm not in a hurry and I've been researching soooooo much. I know all about the hob's. Now it's time for the canisters. I don't like the internals because they take up room inside the tank and I think they take away from the natural look of the tank. The more I think about it the more I like canisters whether or not I plant the tank. I like the idea of having it inside the cabinet of the stand out of view. Of course maintenance of every other month sounds great too.
Okay here is pics of my eheim 2217. Can some one tell me if it is all setup correctly? I broke one of the suction disk clips on the spraybar(will replace) but works and holds just fine without it.

Here we go.










Jordan, the media is set up in the right order. The part you ask about can be used to clip on the outlet pipe (where it enters the tank) to avoid the hose kinking.

In your pics, you have the tap connectors open (this is fine). When you come to cleaning your filter, close off the taps (they will be horizontal to the piping rather than in-line) and this way you can disconnect your filter (by separating the two taps) without losing your syphon, or more importantly, without having to pull any tubing.
Thanks CathyG. I really appreciate it. I just tested it all out on a 30 gallon to see if everything worked and it was a seccess. I will put it on my new 75 gallon once I have it filled.

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