Eheim 2215, Parts Help Needed


New Member
Oct 30, 2011
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I recently picked up a tank off of craigslist and the guy through in an Eheim 2215 filter, however told me it was missing many parts (the filter was free!). I'm trying to figure out exactly what parts I would need to be able to use this. The parts inside the canister seem to be complete, however outside the canister is another story. I have posted some pictures below as well as the parts I think I need, I know I've seen some valve-type parts inline with the hoses on the inlet and outlet, but I don't see those on the parts diagram from Eheim so I'm assuming those are optional? It almost seems like the parts will cost me nearly as much as buying the filter new online - any ideas on how to get this running cheaper (I would think at least hose tubing I could find somewhere cheaper)? Do the hoses attach completely to the threaded connector or is something else needed to properly secure the hoses to the inlet and outlet?

4004940 - 1 - Hose, pressure and suction side (12ft)
4014050 - 1 - Elbow Connector
4014100 - 1 - Suction cup with clip (2 pieces)
7275850 - 1 - Pipe Plug (2 pieces)
7286500 - 1 - Outlet Jet Pipe
7471800 - 1 - Inlet Strainer

Can I plug this in without water in it to make sure it still runs or would I risk damaging it?


Shot at 2011-10-30


Shot at 2011-10-30

Thanks for any input - very new to this addicting hobby.
You can get a whole kit for these on eBay for about 20£ including postage just search eheim or item number
Best to turn it on with water in but you can turn it on for a few seconds just to check its running with out but only a few seconds
Its a self priming unit so regardless of adding water it still won't work until it is primed,

I'd just disconnect the top and plug it in to see if the impellor is running as it should,

The main thing i see your missing is the sets of taps for the inlet and outlet, without these the only way to maintain it is to pretty much flood the room everytime you want to clean it out. :crazy: :blink:

If your looking to keep it cheap then you don't really need to use a spraybar, I run two 2217s and have taken the spraybar off each and just have the water dropping back into the tank, meaning the flowrate is much better than if a spraybar is used.

Also instead of using a inlet I have replaced it with one of these which helps to keep the water perfectly clear
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