

New Member
Feb 23, 2012
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Hi All,

Just moving my fish into a new tank and i found this....

Have my Jewel Chiclids mated? if so could this of caused them to be agressive?

What should i do, do i keep them in the old tank with the eggs or should i split them up?

Please help.
Keep them in the tank as Jewel cichlids are excellent parents. Move all the other fish OUT. They will kill anything they see as a threat to their babies.

Thanks for the quick responce.... k no problem im moving all the other fish now....

May sound silly but will the eggs definetly hatch and if so what do i do with all the babies?

Do i see them do i give them away what is the best plan?

Just ive never done this before!

im still abit shocked!

Thank you.
Ive never bred jewels before, but I have researched them as I used to own one. Do a google search on jewel breeding and you will find loads of information. Unfortunately the only thing i can tell you is that the eggs need to stay with mommy and daddy.

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