

Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
Caught my little albino pair in the act again this morning :wub:
The I suddenly noticed she had LOTS of eggs in her ventral fins - so I got a bit excited :blush:
Bless her she spent a good couple of minutes to-ing and fro-ing trying to decide where to put the eggs, on the glass here? nope, here? nope, there? nope, bogwood? hmm maybe, nope, plants? maybe, oops dropped one, nope not here, this plant? oops dropped another, nope don't like it here either, on the glass here? maybe, just one... nope don't like that either, ahhhh here is good on the airstone (turned off at the time), yes this is good, I'll stick them all here... hmm all that work made me hungry oh look eggs nom nom nom :sick: She ate the lot. I tried to be patient and let her stick them all on and she ate them. Next time maybe I shouldn't be patient and just pull the airstone up and save the eggs?

Well, I managed to find the 2 on the plants and the 1 on the glass, so now I have 3 little albino cory eggs in a hatchery net. Fingers crossed.

The male isn't interested anymore, he's gone off to eat breakfast. The female is looking much slimmer, still chubby and round but slimmer.
They've been spawning a few times (in fact seems there's a number of critters spawning in my tank) - I was more shocked that she deposited the eggs on the airstone (after much faffing around) and promptly ate the lot.
Your luck you cuaght her in the act and salvaged a few. My sliver tip tetra spawned last night. I came back this morning with a hatchery in the hope i could nab some of the eggs and was like damn it, looking at her new slim figure.
Hi JustKia :)

How adorable! :wub: They just had to learn what to do. Is this the same female as last time or the other one?

Next time will probably be more successful. You might want to run your airstone. She will probably look for a place that has good water circulation and place her eggs near it.

Even corys that are not normally egg eaters will often eat eggs that are not fertile, so don't be too concerned about this yet, but you might think about getting another male or two. Even if this one is fine, once your female gets more mature, she will be spawning big batches and one male is usually not enough to fertilize them all.

Same female.
I'd bought a new air pump but it's a bit noisy and ferocious, so it got turned off over night, hence why it wasn't running this morning.
Ah see now you're giving me excuses reasons to get more corys - feeding into my addiction :good:
That said how easy is it to sell on albino corys? I can definitely accomodate more but not lots and lots (much as I'd love to), so unless they are reasonably easy to move on it might be best that not all eggs are fertilised :/
Hi JustKia :)

It's always hard to sell fish to a chain lfs, but if you patronize an independent store you will have a very good chance. C. aeneus albino and bronze are the most popular corys, so if they are raised to the right size and are in good health, he will be able to easily sell them. Since they would be raised in local water and fed the best food, his customers will be happy with them.

When I raise a batch I often trade them for different fish or supplies instead of cash. This is usually the best deal and I would be spending the money there anyway. ;)
That's a great idea Inchworm =)
I can only describe her as "lumpy" right now, went to check if there might be more eggs and she had some stuck to her fins - not holding them they just seemed to be stuck there, the male is so very interested, the female not so much, but maybe as she matures a bit more...
Hi JustKia,

A bit off topic here but I just got a small air pump from Wilkinson for just under £6 and it's not noisy at all

On topic,

I'm sure mine think i'll put them here because it's going to be a real pain in the *** for him to get to. :shout:
I have the same deal with my locals, & I only take the equivalent in stocks after the fish is sold.... (if any dies beforehand.... It is my loss.....
The air pump is a quad outlet boyu, supposed to be quiet but not so in reality.

I've got 2 LFS that I could ask to swap fish for credit notes - I like the idea, and will follow up on that =)
The air pump is a quad outlet boyu, supposed to be quiet but not so in reality.

I've got 2 LFS that I could ask to swap fish for credit notes - I like the idea, and will follow up on that =)

Hi JustKia :)

You might try puttting your pump on something that will absorb the vibration, like a kitchen sponge, a mouse pad, etc.
It's on a foam pad, now that hubby has finished sorting out the wiring in the cabinet so we can close the door, it's not so bad =)
On the case of the eggs - all 3, that I salvaged, have little dark dots in them...
So now it's 5 days since these eggs were laid, but still no hatching. Does this mean they are infertile?

On day 2 they looked like they had a small dark dot in them
On day 3 the dark dot looked more like a dark ring
They still look the same now, whiteish semi transparent egg about 2mm across with a darkish ring in them. They are free of fungus.

Is there still a chance of them hatching or is it too late now?
Hi JustKia :)

It is a long time, but be patient a while longer. If they haven't gone to fungus, there's still a chance they will hatch. Is the temperature of the water cool?

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