You have done better than I with these guys. I think I may have a few Green Lasers fry now, but I can't tell yet for sure what they are. My Gold/Orange Lasers are still young.
I have it officially now from Ian that the fish we call Orange Lasers (and they are at the moment called that on PlanetCatfish--the CW10) are being called by him, Gold Lasers. So CW09 and CW10 are being called Green and Gold Lasers now by the Catfish Study Group. The CW14 and CW23 may be color variants of the same species (a different species than the Lasers), and they are the Red and Orange Stripe respectively with the CW09 and CW10 considered the only true Lasers.
I am keeping my Green and Gold Lasers together now to see if they mingle and spawn together later. I believe it is an experiment to go into experential evidence.
Anyway, Good job with the fry.