Eggs have hatched!!


Fish Addict
Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
I had a spawn this weekend.
This is my third attempt and this is the first time that I have had betta fry!!!
I was planing on spawning my new red ct male (who is a four ray) and a red ct female, but there was something wrong and they both got really stressed out. I changed the water and added a new male and a new female. They spawned the day after easter and the eggs have hatched last night!! It's funny watching the fry swim away from the nest and dad run after them :D
Wou wou wou! Congratulation and welcome to the breeding club. LOL :lol: How many you think you got hit the jack-pot the first time? 500+?? :p
aznmidnite said:
Congrats Idolz! My fry are just over 4 weeks old. It was their 4th attempt, and first successful one @ spawning.
Congrats to you too!!
We are starting a betta generation! :lol:

Wou wou wou! Congratulation and welcome to the breeding club. LOL How many you think you got hit the jack-pot the first time? 500+??

Uhhh no.. not quite 500 :p
I dunno I'd say about.... 50 :dunno: the nest is really thick
Here is a pic of a fry I happened to catch swimming around. All of the others are hiding by whats left of the bubble nest or in the plants. :D

It's blury but it'll do.
:) I used a female just about 1 inch in size. Ended up with what I thought was a small spawn... until I counted them.... 317 in total.... and she ate some eggs.
Idolz said:
Here is a pic of a fry I happened to catch swimming around. All of the others are hiding by whats left of the bubble nest or in the plants. :D

It's blury but it'll do.
UFO??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
wow i hear of al these 1st time horror stories but i just got my 1st spawn 5 weeks ago and 25 :hyper: are still alive there would have been more succesful if i wouldn't have went on vacation :X but i think 25 for my first try is pretty good :shifty: but i dont want to jynxs anything so im gunna stop talking now ;)

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