Eggs, eggs, and more eggs.


Fish Crazy
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
West Virginia
Ok. Once or twice every month, I look in my tank to find a large cluster of eggs. They have always been on one of the plant leaves. A couple times, they have been neatly attached to the underside of a large leaf, but sometimes just clustered in the plant. At first, I thought maybe it was my goldfish. But I ended up giving them away (they were growing too large) and they're STILL appearing. I have goldfish again, but they were appearing before I got these new ones. Then I thought maybe it was the snails, I have no idea if snails lay eggs. But now one of the snails is gone, but I have one of the parent snails and one baby snail. Anyhow.. Here's what's in my tank:
1 pleco
1 unidentified catfish
1 cory
1 farlowella
3 goldfish (the feeder kind, all grown up)
2 tetras, a pinkish and a black.. no idea of the sexes\
some livebearers (mollies, platties)
2 snails
2 dwarf frogs

Unless they are, in fact, snail eggs, they've never hatched into anything. They usually just get eaten or decompose. Today, I found a new cluster of eggs. Does anyone know what might is most likely laying them?
My guess is your cory. Possibly the unknown catfish.

On my tanks I notice they like to lay eggs mid-morning. It took a couple of weeks, but I finally saw them (my cories) in action.

I'd put my all money on the snails - they do lay eggs, and often on the undersides of leaves, just like you described. :D
snails for sure. my snails layed eggs underneath leaves for the longest time. even when i thought they had all grown up and passed. a few weeks later ,i discovered more eggs and soon enough i had more snails. are they the nig honkin apple snails or are they the little guys the stores give away for free?
I'd put my money on the snails too, they HAVE been reproducing, I just didn't know if they laid eggs. They are mystery snails.

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