Egg laden shrimp


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
Managed to get a pic of one of my amano shrimp which is heavily egg laden. They are difficult to photograph as they are small and very quick movers so apologies for the quality.

The tank only has shrimp but I don't know whether any larvae (if she gets fertilised) will survive as there are a couple of long armed shrimp who might see them as food.

And, yes, I do know I should have cleaned the glass :p

Cheers, Eddie


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You can clearly see the eggs though, I've had mine for about 9 months and never seen them with eggs :/ - I think water parameters need to be just right for them.... :/

I haven't had a good look at this site but there might be some usefull information to help you raise them....

SHRIMP :thumbs:


Thanks WWW - that's the site I go to for most of my information.

Haven't done anything special with the tank - just a sand substrate and a small foam filter. I keep them well fed on Hikari Crab Cuisine as I read that they need the extra calcium to help with the carapace. They occasionally get an algae wafer and very rarely some frozen chopped mussels. The long arms tend to grab the mussels first, but as the amanos are detrius feeders there is enough left over. Most of them seem to be growing well - the long arms have grown about 50% in a month.

Just got to hope that there is at least one male amano in there to fertilise the eggs and I might get some babies shrimp....

Cheers, Eddie

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