Egg Id


Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2012
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I have nerites, an astrea, a limpet, and ceriths. All over my glass and rocks there are 2 kinds of eggs. 1st: White pouch, dome shaped with yellow eggs inside about 2-3mm across. 2nd: Small white eggs with a clear slime coating protecting them, about 1mm across.

For the first one I'm thinking nerites and ceriths for the second.

If you know what they are how long do they take to hatch??? Any SW version of the FW Assasin Snail (anything that will eat the eggs)???

Pics of them soon
If you starve nassas they will.... But the young snails most likely wont survive. They will get eaten.
Nerites lay scattered white egg cases usually about 1-2mm in diameter in the species I've seen with individual eggs usually only visible as they develop and with the use of hand lens. Ceriths lay lots of tiny eggs in a sort of zig-zag pattern or long streak. Astrea are Turbinids (even the ones incorrectly labeled as Astrea), so they may spawn directly into the water column although I haven't read concrete documentation for Astrea specifically. I'm not sure offhand about the reproductive strategy for limpets.

I don't know why you'd want something to go after the eggs if they are marine snail eggs. Successful rearing of marine snails in captivity is notoriously difficult; nobody gets overrun with snails of the varieties you've listed. If you have snail eggs, regardless of the species, the overwhelming odds are that you will just see the eggs disappear one day and nothing more will come of it.
I've only successfully raised young ceriths in a tank. And that was totally NOT my doing. LOL The zigzag is very typical. :)

Thanks the eggs are barely visible if you look really hard and the other eggs seem to be everywhere but I have 40 ceriths and they are tiny and young. Should I leave them in if they decide to hatch? Will it be an accomplishment?

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