Effect Of Temporarily Stopping Easycarbo

ian said:
don't double the dose. The half life of liquid carbon is only 12 hours, this is even if you were to dose 500mls.

Drop the photoperiod, this means less demand on the plants, this also gives algae less chance to bloom.

Cheers Ian, as I mentioned, I was going to drop it to 5 hrs, so will drop it to 4 and stop the dosing. I am worried enough with an 86 year old looking after it in my absence. So no ferts, no Easycarbo and no mineral supplements will be going in while i am away, definately the safest option
don't double the dose. The half life of liquid carbon is only 12 hours, this is even if you were to dose 500mls.

Drop the photoperiod, this means less demand on the plants, this also gives algae less chance to bloom.
sorry im not an expert but algae is fairly basic to prevent isnt it? i mean if you take care of your tank properly it shoudnt be a problem. if this guy makes sure his tank is out the way of direct sunlight and doesnt keep his actual tank light on for more than 8 hours a day there wont be any problem? also im guessing he has a planted tank? if hes adding good, solid fertiliser and is changing the water his tank should be pretty well balanced and even in direct sunlight algae most probably wont stand a chance competing against a planted tank? just saying. also most algae blooms can be avaioded and are usually caused by a sudden imbalanced. for example if your filters stopped working for a few hours or if you did a pretty huge water change. algae is overated, easy to control and easy to eradiocate!
if dosing a carbon suppliment, if you stop it all of a sudden you run risk of outbreaks of certain algaes (BBA, thread, etc etc). Excessive light makes algae flourish.

In a planted tank even experts suffer from algae, in a planted tank with carbon addition algae can become more of a problem.

algae is overated, easy to control and easy to eradiocate!

It is when you know what you're doing, but fluctuations in C02, lack of nutirents etc etc can be a problem for some members, so i don't agree with this statement directly. Algae can take a few days, maybe 3-4 to actually start in a tank with fluctuations in C02.
don't double the dose. The half life of liquid carbon is only 12 hours, this is even if you were to dose 500mls.

Drop the photoperiod, this means less demand on the plants, this also gives algae less chance to bloom.
sorry im not an expert but algae is fairly basic to prevent isnt it? i mean if you take care of your tank properly it shoudnt be a problem. if this guy makes sure his tank is out the way of direct sunlight and doesnt keep his actual tank light on for more than 8 hours a day there wont be any problem? also im guessing he has a planted tank? if hes adding good, solid fertiliser and is changing the water his tank should be pretty well balanced and even in direct sunlight algae most probably wont stand a chance competing against a planted tank? just saying. also most algae blooms can be avaioded and are usually caused by a sudden imbalanced. for example if your filters stopped working for a few hours or if you did a pretty huge water change. algae is overated, easy to control and easy to eradiocate!

There would be a problem having an 8 hour photo period as the carbon fluctuation would start GSA and hair Algae.
Well guys, back after a fantastic time in Mexico and everything looks not too bad. Photoperiod was put to 4 hours, no ferts and no Easycarbo. I do have BBA round the leaf edges of my coffeefolia, which is really irritating. Will I have to remove these leaves.

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