Effect of CO2 on algae?

Alien Anna

Fish Gatherer
Jul 10, 2002
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Hi Everyone, I've just ordered the Nutrifin CO2 system and was wondering if adding CO2 to my tank might be good or bad for the algae? Also, would a plant food rich in iron be useful?

I have gravel as a substrate but most of my plants are in those little baskets of aquatic compost. I've been toying with the idea of trying to incorporate some more aquatic compost into the tank (maybe mixing it gradually with the gravel? ) but everything seems to have relatively secure roots.

At the moment, my 25 US gal tank contains:
2x small Amazon swords
2x large dwarf anubias
1x Java fern
1x v. small dwarf vallis
1x small Giant vallis
1x v. small Java moss

I want to add some "fluffy stuff" to soften the general appearance of my tank and get some more stuff for fish to weave in and out of. At the moment my tetras, gouramis and cherry barbs tend to stay low in the tank, where the folliage is. I figured if the folliage went up higher, so would the fish. Any recommendations for fluffy plants?
Fluffy plants = cabomba and ceratophyllum

Also good for weaving in and out of .... elodea, ceratopteris, and bacopa
Just in case, the ceratophyllum is commonly known as hornwort. That would be great. The cabomba is beautiful, but requires higher light ( oops, I forgot, AquaNut breaks all the light rules :D). You may want to try Ambulia (Limnophila Sessiliflora) for lower light levels which looks similar but is a darker green.

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