
Bichirs are unaggressive to other fish unless they are considered prey provided there is ample hiding spots,it is more likely the eel would harrass the bichir,they can be nasty little things when they want.
CFC said:
European eels can live in any water,over here i catch them in brackish and freshwater rivers,in lakes and in canals.They only enter pure seawater when they get the urge to breed and then they swim all the way to america to do it.
That's true - at one time, the Thames was so polluted that everything died in it. Everything, that is, but eels, who thrived in it.

The eels we're talking about here are officially marine eels but are so tolerant they can cope with brackish water, fresh water or even raw sewage! They were anything up to 3' long.

They used to have signs up, warning fishermen not to try to eat the eels because you'd definitely get salmonella at the very least! Not a great pet, however, unless you have a polluted estuary in your back yard.
Alien Anna said:
They were anything up to 3' long.
Double that and add a foot and youll be closer the mark,ive caught eels at 4 feet long and friends of mine have caught them over 5ft!!!!!

Did you also know that they can even travel across land? On damp nights many eels come out of the water and wander off to find new waters in which to live,my grandfather has found them in his koi pond which is at least a mile to the nearest waterway the eels could have come from!
CFC said:
Double that and add a foot and youll be closer the mark,ive caught eels at 4 feet long and friends of mine have caught them over 5ft!!!!!

Did you also know that they can even travel across land? On damp nights many eels come out of the water and wander off to find new waters in which to live,my grandfather has found them in his koi pond which is at least a mile to the nearest waterway the eels could have come from!
Eeeugh! That's gross! The thought of wriggly eels crawling across the ground... Ugh. No. I think I'll just stick to little tropical fish, not 5' marine monsters! Did the eels eat your grandfather's koi? They might have got there via the sewer.
No the koi were too big for the eels to eat so he used to just let them live in there with them,he only found them every now and again when he would net all the fallen leaves and other rubbish from the bottom of the pond.We believe the eels came from a small river that flows into the Thames but who knows,they could have come from anywhere.
when you guys are talking about a peacock eel they get to be arround 6" in length at a max right? the bichir gets to 12"? i thought the peacock got to be 10"-12". i read somewere that the spinny eel gets to be 6" at a max but only about 4" on average? am i confused of just dumb about eels. i really wanna get the bichir eel. i kinda wanna swich my tank to a freshwater eel tank. but i dont know what i need for a bichir and a peacock eel. what do they eat. thanks

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