Eel Question


New Member
Sep 17, 2010
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Hey guys new to the forum not to mention the hobby I've recently setup, cycled and decorated a 55g tank. Time to study up on the type of fish I want to keep right? Here is my problem, it seems info on the web keeps contradicting itself. I want an eel (well technically it's not an eel) I'd like to keep a tiretrack eel but some places say you need 100g tank other say 40-50g and some information just outright doesn't make any sense. Can anyone tell me if a 55g is ok for one tiretrack eel? Right now Fishtown's population is 0, I'll probably get other fish later but I really want to put these inconsistencies to rest. Can anyone who has one or knows the correct answer tell me how big of a tank is really needed for a tiretrack?
hehehe welcome im new too but not to keeping fish ive kept fish since i was 8 now im 19yrs old and in love with fish.i own 2 fire eels very cool yeah 55g is the minimum try keeping sand they like to hide oh 1 thing if he doesnt eat blood worms introduce him/her to BLACK worms i just got my second baby fire eel saturday i tried bloodworms NOPE than black worms he went crazy i feed him twice a day i went them fat NOT obese..and if you want theres 1 called the peacock he grows about 8-10inches before you make your mind on 1 look at all the spiny eels..heres a site!
oh and know that you need filter,heater,sand/gravel,temp.and bubble machine...oh and DONT FORGET TO CYCLE YOUR WATER TEST IT OR GET IT TEST IN 1 OF YOUR LOCAL dont want to put anything in there without knowing if the water is good or not or your fish/money just went to waste

and you also need water conditioners hope i helped

spiny eels rule!!!
hehehe welcome im new too but not to keeping fish ive kept fish since i was 8 now im 19yrs old and in love with fish.i own 2 fire eels very cool yeah 55g is the minimum try keeping sand they like to hide oh 1 thing if he doesnt eat blood worms introduce him/her to BLACK worms i just got my second baby fire eel saturday i tried bloodworms NOPE than black worms he went crazy i feed him twice a day i went them fat NOT obese..and if you want theres 1 called the peacock he grows about 8-10inches before you make your mind on 1 look at all the spiny eels..heres a site!
oh and know that you need filter,heater,sand/gravel,temp.and bubble machine...oh and DONT FORGET TO CYCLE YOUR WATER TEST IT OR GET IT TEST IN 1 OF YOUR LOCAL dont want to put anything in there without knowing if the water is good or not or your fish/money just went to waste

and you also need water conditioners hope i helped

spiny eels rule!!!

Thanks for the reply I have the tank cycled I also have a API master test kit and test water regularly. Also use an airpump and my center piece decoration has an airstone. My tank is closed top but I'm a little worried about a few inch gaps that exist from the cut outs when I installed the HOB filter (tank has a canister and HOB filter). My worry might be him getting out since I've read they're escape artists I'm going to have to mod something out of foam or maybe plastic before I go in to get him.
Would you really keep a potentially 35" long in a 55G? That is the question you have to ask yourself, IMO Fire and Tyre Track Eels are totally unsuitable for tanks under 100G and even that is minimal for one that is anywhere near fully grown.

There are however a number of other Spiny Eels that would be perfect for that size of setup, and range from 8-14"

I should also add to the guy above that if you have two Fire Eels in the same tank then as soon as one matures it Will kill the other
Would you really keep a potentially 35" long in a 55G? That is the question you have to ask yourself, IMO Fire and Tyre Track Eels are totally unsuitable for tanks under 100G and even that is minimal for one that is anywhere near fully grown.

There are however a number of other Spiny Eels that would be perfect for that size of setup, and range from 8-14"

I should also add to the guy above that if you have two Fire Eels in the same tank then as soon as one matures it Will kill the other

Humm... what about the Zebra Spiny Eel (Mastacembelus zebrinus) the info I'm reading says it grows up to 18" would that be more suitable? Also wonder how rare would they be to find?
Would you really keep a potentially 35" long in a 55G? That is the question you have to ask yourself, IMO Fire and Tyre Track Eels are totally unsuitable for tanks under 100G and even that is minimal for one that is anywhere near fully grown.

There are however a number of other Spiny Eels that would be perfect for that size of setup, and range from 8-14"

I should also add to the guy above that if you have two Fire Eels in the same tank then as soon as one matures it Will kill the other
i am aware of this but other people keep 2fire eels together..?

Would you really keep a potentially 35" long in a 55G? That is the question you have to ask yourself, IMO Fire and Tyre Track Eels are totally unsuitable for tanks under 100G and even that is minimal for one that is anywhere near fully grown.

There are however a number of other Spiny Eels that would be perfect for that size of setup, and range from 8-14"

I should also add to the guy above that if you have two Fire Eels in the same tank then as soon as one matures it Will kill the other

Humm... what about the Zebra Spiny Eel (Mastacembelus zebrinus) the info I'm reading says it grows up to 18" would that be more suitable? Also wonder how rare would they be to find?
well like i said the pecock eel is good for you
by the way i keep them in a 120gallon.....

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