Eel Like Fish Ofor My Tank

I remember that my dad use to buy Rubber Eels when i was little. I don't really know anything about them but i 've always thought they look really cool :D . So here is a website i found-
Rubber Eel
Also they sometimes bury themselves in the gravel or sand and are very good escape artists. It might be hard to find one though because some new law made it illegal to import these so all have to be captive bred.
Actually....most of your tank inhabitants will fare well with a Polypterus senegalus or another bichir species of like adult size. The only fish that you have listed that will eventually end up as bichir food would be your Rams.

The Rope Fish (Erpetoichthys calabaricus), also called the Reed Fish, is the only other genus of fish that is closely related to Polypterus. Basically you can think of the Rope Fish as an elongated bichir without ventral fins and with a small head in relation to its body length. FishBase lists the maximum size at about 35 inches but, having kept a large number of these fish, the largest I've ever personally seen was a 15 year old specimen in my collection that reached 24 inches. They are found in slow-moving sections of rivers and swamps in Africa, from Nigeria to The Democratic Republic of Congo. In my experience, they prefer a tank that has a fairly heavily planted section and someplace for them to hide. Like all of the bichirs, Rope Fish is hardy and tolerant of a range of water parameters, as long as the water is kept clean. They will eat practically any 'meaty' foods but I've found that their favorite food is bloodworms (live or frozen).

Ok, Rams were moved last night to my dad's 35 gallon community tank (tetras and whatnot). I got the bichir and the eel, and they are awesome! The eel hid all night but this morning he was all over the place, and i fed them bloodworms and he was loving it! The bichir is seriously one of my coolest fish all ready! He has a such a big personality! He isnt the prettiest, but his spikes are pretty cool! He immediatly went and found my synodontis euptrus when he went in the tank and they didnt seem to like eachother (oh no for me!) because the syno seemed to be confused and wondering if it was food, and the bichir was not interested in dealing iwth this fish, so the bichir stood up like an S and the syno left..... weirdly enough.... they are now best friends, they are always laying by eachother and swimming around with eachtoher (my syno never used to take casual swims around the tank, atleast not NEARLY this much). So i am happy now! I got my syno, my raphael, my angels, my bichir, and my eel! Thanks for the help everyone! The only thing i might get later is something to swim with the angels (big an dcolorful) and another bottom dweller (catfish may be?) but that will not be for a while, because i have peace and i want everyone to be happy, and then i will think about getting something else, which i may not do period.....thanks again!
Anim4l - take note of what people have said about the bichir as a friend of mine had a 12 inch fish which managed to kill and nearly eat an 8 inch elephant fish, so i would advise you to keep well away from them. Awsome fish though!!

Personally i have a 24 inch south american lungfish and does really well in my community tank. i know lung fish have a reputation for eating absolutly everything (as i have an african too) but he doesnt touch any of my barbs or danios that live with him. They do get fairly large and aren't cheap but he is a real talking point.
The syno and the bichir coexist peacefully in the wild so definetly a good match. Careful with what catfish you look into. I hear some end up sucking on the bichir's slime. Congrats
lol thanks for the lungfish info, i think they are cool too, i love my bichir, he is being really peaceful with the fiah, still a little confused about what a human is, but he likes to be around the others :) ill be making a post of my tank in a minute if anyone wants to see it! i just redid the deco because my rocks i wnated came in! o and i am not going to get that catfish :) i dont know if i need anything else, i am aving the room for if i find something unique

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