Eeels - Plants Vs Substrate


Fish Herder
Jul 21, 2006
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So I keep 3 peacock eels. Wonderful gentlemen, they are.

But we all know that sand substrate is best suited for them, as they hurt themselves on anything else. I did this with black and white sand. However, after day 3, they stop digging and are out 24/7.

The thing is, I noticed in my 10 gallon, that they loved water wisteria. they weave themselves in them.

Wisteria Is a great plant, branches out, and the leaves are wonderful. I have made a small forest of it in my 38 gallon that takes up about 1/4th the tank at least, and 2 of my peacocks love it, and the other spends his time wraped up in one of my onions of vals.

So the question arises, after settled in, do peacock eels perfer plants to rest in, or substrate?

Mine seem to perfer plants, and never dig. Probably because there's nothing stressing them.

No one with eels or eel experince has comments on this?
I have a fire eel with sand. I have never had a planted tank but after reading somewhere else about your peacocks and wisteria I have been giving it some serious consideration.

When I had gravel in my tank Beavis my fire eel burrowed noticibly all the time. As soon as I changed over to sand he stopped burrowing. It him a good long time (3+ months) to start burrowing again. I have changed the type of sand (from superfine beach sand to pool filter sand) and he is always burried. I think it might be more a comfort thing (being comfortable in the new surroundings) then anything.

My daughter and I are taking a bike ride to the LFS tomorrow so I can see about some wisteria.
it takes a fairly lage amount. they like to have their body fully in it, like, weaved all over. which is why it takes up about 1/4 to 1/3 my tank, but I love the contrast and the fact that they like to hang out in it more than the sand.

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