Welcome back Slim and sorry about your fish.  Hope you kick that algae!
Keep us updated on the BBA and if you kick it quickly.
So sorry about your angelfish. 
:Rip: Angelfish. Sorry to hear that Slim
I wonder is the ozelot was grown in co2 tank. Funny how spoiled plants don't ever want to go back lol
daizeUK said:
Welcome back Slim and sorry about your fish.  Hope you kick that algae!
Thanx, its good to be back. My angel will truely be missed. She was beautiful and im so gutted shes gone:-(
The war against the dredded bba begins tomorrow:)
This Old Spouse said:
Keep us updated on the BBA and if you kick it quickly.
So sorry about your angelfish. :sad:
Thank you, and I will indeed. I wont give it a look in.
Its only a small amount but il begin by removing the Infected leafs then start a daily treatment of carbon just to make sure iv got it all.
Once the co2 is back upto level and my plants start growing and pearling again, the algae wont stand a chance:)
greenmumma141 said:
:Rip: Angelfish. Sorry to hear that Slim I wonder is the ozelot was grown in co2 tank. Funny how spoiled plants don't ever want to go back lol
Again thank you, means a lot. She will be missed. Her death is a mystery. All fishies will need to be closely watched over the next few days.

This plant was very spoilt lol. I really hope it bounces back but im just not sure it will as it doesnt have any good leaves left:-(
So I might have a bald spot for a new plant:)
Also I think im going to pull out the cambomba tomorrow. Im kinda bored with it and want something abit more dense and colourful.
Gona have a good trim tomorrow and see what I come up with.
Oh SLIM gutted for you and that lovely angel!! At least her life was spent in one of the best tanks on the forum :) she had a whale of a time.

Sorry about your plant too, just typical these things go wrong in our absence.

I think you deserve to treat yourself to something tank related to cheer yourself up :D

Glad you had a great holiday, managed to catch some lovely rays and relax and chill a bit - enough so that you can face these adversities full on upon your return.

Good luck on saving the plant and hope the rest of your stock remain healthy (plant and fish.)

It's a shame I'm not home as I would have bitten your hand off at the chance of the cabomba for both of my tanks :(

Chin up, you'll sort it :)
Shelster said:
Oh SLIM gutted for you and that lovely angel!! At least her life was spent in one of the best tanks on the forum :) she had a whale of a time
Awww thanks Shelster, what a lovely thing to say x

Shelster said:
Sorry about your plant too, just typical these things go wrong in our absence.
I think you deserve to treat yourself to something tank related to cheer yourself up :D
Yea just goes to show how much some plants depend on co2 and ferts. Im really hoping it bounces back. As for treating myself to something tank related, well its already on order lol. Whilst away i came up with an idea on how to modify my co2 filter/reactor outlet for better co2 distribution. The parts are in the post XD If this works i should get even better diffusion than im getting now.
Plus im toying with the idea of adding one more light under the hood. A 54w T5. Maybe something il do in the near future.
Anymore lights and i wont need heaters lol.

Shelster said:
Glad you had a great holiday, managed to catch some lovely rays and relax and chill a bit
Our holiday was very much needed thank you, my daughter really enjoyed herself bless her:)
Took her to the sealife center of course lol brain washing fishies into her whilst shes still nice n young.
Got a nice tan too XD AND im not back to work til next friday YAY

Shelster said:
Good luck on saving the plant and hope the rest of your stock remain healthy (plant and fish.)
It's a shame I'm not home as I would have bitten your hand off at the chance of the cabomba for both of my tanks :(
Thanks Shelster, fingers crossed i do save it. As for the fish, they seem healthy but im not taking any chances. After all i have added 2 new fish recently so i think a course of Sterazin is in order. Fantastic stuff it is.
It is a shame about the Cabomba, i would of gladly of sent it to you, i have tones and i recon il end up pulling it all out and binning it this afternoon. My Repens has grown outta control whilst iv been away so i recon il just chop that back and replace the cabomba with trimmings of that:)
Well day one of co2 being switch on, again lol and plants are pearling like a gooden XD more so than ever.
Cabomba has been pulled out and binned, well iv left a little in and iv had a major trim. Planted loads of trimmings in the cabombas place and now just need to sit back n watch it grow in, again lol
ncguppy830 said:
wow hope all gos well a marvellous tank youve got
Thank you. Forever a work in progress lol
Lol yep everytime I put my hand in I get sunburnt lol and its the only tank in the world which the light can be seen from space XD
Ok so a bit of an update followed by a bit on my lighting so you can see whats under my hood lol and what i plan to do as iv never really talked about my lighting and what im using.
k so update time
Fish all seem to be healthy and happy which is good. Still have no idea what killed my angel

I had to chop almost all of the leaves off my Echinodorus Ozelot as it melted away into nothing when i was away. Good news is it has sprouted 2 new shoots so its still alive and on the road to recovery

As for the slight case of BBA i came home too, well i chopped off all infected leaves and started dosing carbon on full recommended dosing straight away and hoped nothing would melt as a result. Luckily nothing did and their is no sign YET of the algae returning. I think as long as i dose EI, carbon and CO2 the BBA will never get a look in. So thats exactly what i plan to do
As some of you may know i have recently added 2 custom made LED light bars to the tank to give me high light
well here a little info on them and what im doing as iv not really spoke about them or how i light my tank

Each bar has 10X 3W white LEDs (6500K) and 9X 3W blue LEDs which come on after lights out. (Moonlighting)
Thats a total of 18 blue LEDs and 20 white. The total wattage of the whites combined is 60W, but im told 60W of high power LED light is the equivalent of 100W of T5 light.
These LEDs run along side my existing T5 lighting which is currently 4X 24W T5s (aqua one tropical bulbs) and 4X 39W T5s (aqua one tropical bulbs)
The total wattage of the T5s is 252W. The wattage of the T5s combined with the "100W" LEDs = a grand total of 352Watts!
And it doesn't stop there. lol I have room for one more light right at the front of my tank. Im planning on installing one last T5, a 54W (tropical bulb of course) using a Arcadia single light controller to power it which hopefully should be on order this Friday.
Heres the Arcadia light controller i plan to purchase for those of you interested..
This will give me a new total wattage of 306Watts which will deeeeefinately put me in the high light category lol
The motivation behind this is that all my plant pearl like crazy except my dwarf sag lawn which is the lowest and hardest plant for the light to reach. You will pearl darn it, YOU WILL pearl if its the last thing i doooo!! Even if i hafta cook you alive under 306W of light, I WILL have the last laugh Mwhahahahahaha
Piccy time Enjoy
Here is the tank now with existing T5s, and LED light bars with the hood off

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Do you mean 406W?
If you already have 352W plus another 54W = 406W
And your tank is about 160 gallons so that puts you at 2.5WPG
I don't know if that's classified as high light but it sounds like a whole lotta lights to me! :lol:
Yea 406w lol
It is high light. WPG doesnt apply to T5 and LEDS. Wpg is extremely out dated and was fomulated for the oldskool T10 & T12s.
Its all about PAR Kelvin and LUX.
For example, LEDs can have 5-6 times the amount of PAR of a standard T5. Not to mention modern HOT5s, so you're really going in blind if you just use watts per gallon:)
How did you calculate your PAR?  The T5's don't usually tell you do they?

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