Easy To Breed, Non Violent, Egg Laying Fish?


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Aug 11, 2009
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Are there any easy to breed Easy to breed, non violent, egg laying fish? Other than Danios? A few types of barbs and tetras that breed in maybe a week or two? Breeds in a spawning mop.
I would give white cloud mountain minnows a try personally, they're relatively easy to breed:

They may be conditioned for breeding with live foods such as brine shrimp and daphnia. The most colorful minnows should be placed in a small tank with a spawning mop or some java moss. Males will attempt to attract females by displaying their fins, often alongside one another. White cloud eggs hatch within 48 to 60 hours. The tiny fry may be visible on the sides of the glass or among plants. After they are free swimming, they can be fed a finely powdered fish food or infusoria.
I would give white cloud mountain minnows a try personally, they're relatively easy to breed:

They may be conditioned for breeding with live foods such as brine shrimp and daphnia. The most colorful minnows should be placed in a small tank with a spawning mop or some java moss. Males will attempt to attract females by displaying their fins, often alongside one another. White cloud eggs hatch within 48 to 60 hours. The tiny fry may be visible on the sides of the glass or among plants. After they are free swimming, they can be fed a finely powdered fish food or infusoria.

Are there any barbs or tetras?

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