Easy To Breed Fish


Fish Aficionado
Jan 14, 2009
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What is another kind of easy fish to breed other than Kribensis?


any livebeaer period.
just follow a 1 male: 3 female ratio and you should have babies in no time
they usually are pregnant for a while though like a month and a half
Okay thanks!

yeah mollies are the easiest though
just put a 10g breeder cycled or put mature filter in then put 1 male and 3 females (or vice versa) and they will mate and she is pregnant for a month and a half and then she drops fry averging 20-40 depending on age
Hmm. YOu looking at Cichlids? People seem to have good luck with angels, I am not one of them though. Depending on the quality of fish in your area, Apistogrammas such as cacatoudies would be fine. Ohh, and live bearers don't gestate for 1 and a half motnhs. It's usually 3 weeks to a month.
Thanks for the reply, Krib!

Yeah, I was just looking at some pics of fry and started to wonder what kind of fish are easy to breed.

I personally can't keep mollies alive to save my life, for whatever reason. I've heard peacock gudgeons and badis badis are fairly easy to breed. Livebearers are almost too easy :/ the trick is getting the to not have tons of babies!
Hi fatheadminnow :)

If you're looking for easy, nothing beats livebearers. There are some interesting ones worth looking into in addition to the ones you ordinarily see in the lfs.

As for egg layers, I'm sure you could raise some corydoras. They are not difficult to raise but they do take some work and attention. Getting them to spawn is difficult for many species so for starters I would suggest either bronze or albino C. aeneus. They spawn readily once they are mature, often when you do a water change with cooler water. They are also popular fish and if there is a lfs near you that buys home raised fish, you will probably be able to sell or trade as many of them as you can raise. :D
Thanks, Inchworm!

Someday I will definitely want to raise other kinds of fish. For now I got my hands full with my Kribensis! Oh yeah! lol! The babies are nearly 2 months old and boy do they look cute!


A 1 male 2 female trio should keep you up to your eyeballs in fry easily enough.

A 1 male 2 female trio should keep you up to your eyeballs in fry easily enough.

I concur, BN's are very easy to breed and the babies are cool minature versions of the adults, they don't tend to breed as prolifically as livebearers so you won't get overwhelmed with fry either.
Easiest cichlid is the convict, just add water!
Easiest cichlid is the convict, just add water!

Where I live, we are overpopulated with convicts! The stores won't buy them, so what one of our aquarium club members do is use the fry as feeders for his Bichir.

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