Easiest, Low Light, Low Maintenance Plants

It will be 15 watt, the new bulb I got just basically turns into a strobe light so I'll have to swap it out today for a new one
Well in there your still gonna have very low light, might just be enough for the above plants but I've never tried lighting that low before. Maybe Liz can help, she's done some low light tanks.
Thanks for the help, I'll also ask the people at the LFS in a few hours when I get there and see what they think besides for possibly trying to upsell me things I wont need for the amount of plants I want
Hmmmm I messaged Liz anyway so will get a defo answer later.
The 20g will grow the crypts and other things fine with 15W of T8, so basically stock lighting is totally fine for most low-light plants (java fern, mosses, crypts, swords, etc). No CO2, no fancy substrate. Check out this thread...


Was a 36g tank with .77WPG of T5 lighting. As you can clearly see, plants grew, and grew well. I had anubias, crypts, E tenellus (a 21" deep tank too, pelia, Aponogeton crispus). Inert substrate, only dosed TPN+ when I remembered. About 10ml.




But then, it could well just be me, because it's me, and I'm fabulous. We've established my fabulousness from the beginning. :D

Lol Liz is good with plants, thanks Liz, wasn't 100% as never gone that low with lighting. Nice scape :good:
My favourite one bar anubias is Hygrophila corymbosa ''Glabra''. It has lovely light green leaves. It's a very good one to hide filters/heaters and it needs nothing, just a bit of whatever light you give it. It grows very fast and multiplies small ones from the roots. It can get very tall too if you let it.

Edit: I have it in 3 of my tanks. One of the tanks has just one lighning tube of 15W, the tank is 30G. There is a problem with the lid so I can't fix the second tube and the plant is still growning like crazy. Anything else bar anubias dies in this tank. And I don't dose anything at all in any tank.


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