
My OH's PC was set up 6months ago and cost around £1200... this plays every single game on the highest settings and isn't likely to struggle with any games for quite a few years...
As soon as it does start to struggle it'll only be the graphics that needs upgrading and he has planned for that so has a spare slot and will just do the whole crossfire thing with a second card.

Therefore the upgrade will only be £100 and that'll be another couple of years of top spec gaming....

Not arguing for or against PCs as PC gaming is vastly different to the Xbox. I personally view the PC as great for the top graphics/lengthy point and clicks and the Xbox as more of a social console where it's not so important that the graphics are the best of the best so long as they're good.
i can play pretty much all games on the highest quality.
Custom built doesnt mean rubbish mate. some of us know what we are doing. and how do you know what profession my family is in... We know a hell of alot about computing.

A family member runs IDSEC up in harrow and has done alarm system for many banks... You cant tell me they would employ an idiot!

Remember the orange phone network was down for about a week a year or two ago? That was because of their shoddy computer secutity systems. they said 'no one can hack into our system' so a family member did and crashed the whole network. then they paid him to install some propery secuity.

Think my computer beats pretty much everyones! :lol:

Wow, Over defensive, I meant the graphics specs not the actual computer specs.... Jumping to conclusions :rolleyes:

I know building your own computer is a lot more cost effective etc, but not everyone has the know how to do that, again to my original point the consoles are compact, everything is there, there needs to be no fiddling about.
Piracy on the 360 is pretty ripe , the PS3 which i own (lucky enough to have the original one) has stopped piracy only by having Blu ray and people are yet to have cracked the console and the cost of Blue ray discs are too high.

I don't think anyone can settle with either a console or a PC imo you need both and will need to for some time.

PS3 - all racing games, football games
PC- all first person shooters , strategy games.

Obviously PC's have more uses outside of gaming which is why they'll always be needed. Mobile Phones can do internet and some other pc stuff like youtube ,but for any 'proper' uses they're screwed atm. Try RDP/telnet on your phone it's a mare!

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