Is now at University! :D
My OH's PC was set up 6months ago and cost around £1200... this plays every single game on the highest settings and isn't likely to struggle with any games for quite a few years...
As soon as it does start to struggle it'll only be the graphics that needs upgrading and he has planned for that so has a spare slot and will just do the whole crossfire thing with a second card.
Therefore the upgrade will only be £100 and that'll be another couple of years of top spec gaming....
Not arguing for or against PCs as PC gaming is vastly different to the Xbox. I personally view the PC as great for the top graphics/lengthy point and clicks and the Xbox as more of a social console where it's not so important that the graphics are the best of the best so long as they're good.
As soon as it does start to struggle it'll only be the graphics that needs upgrading and he has planned for that so has a spare slot and will just do the whole crossfire thing with a second card.
Therefore the upgrade will only be £100 and that'll be another couple of years of top spec gaming....
Not arguing for or against PCs as PC gaming is vastly different to the Xbox. I personally view the PC as great for the top graphics/lengthy point and clicks and the Xbox as more of a social console where it's not so important that the graphics are the best of the best so long as they're good.