E Petition To Ban The Sale Of Goldfish Bowls

I guess nobody's been to a bowl show at their local aquatic society lately. :no:

Banning equipment will not solve the problem of people being negligent in their care for animals. Bowls have been used properly for years, like many other pieces of equipment. Other equipment seen daily in life is used improperly, but not banned, the person is held accountable for any wrongdoing.
Even if they were banned, the company that makes them would just change the name of it to ________bowl and people would still buy it for fish, unfortunately. I do appreciate what you are trying to do though. Even if nothing comes of it, you are still raising awareness about bowls not being suitable for fish. Yes, there are exceptions IMO, I think they are ok for fish shows and possibly fry but other than that, I don't care for the thought of it.
Done & I hope everyone else does the same. Thanks to all that do. :good:

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