Dying Tiger Barbs

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I have two pilka dots in my qt tank atm. They will stay there for a while because they are like an inch long and my biggest clown is prob closer to five and i dont want them to harass the little guys. Anyone have any thoughts on that? Oh and thanks for the conpliments!! Have worked hard to get there. Got four more tigers in qt to go with the six in there this weekend.
Here are a couple pics for you greenmumma. They are very hard to take pics of they are very fast! When they are juviniles they appear striped and as they get bigger the lines start to form around circles. Very neat and I cant wait to watch them grow up
They actually have more personality than the clowns so far! Maybe I will rehome the clowns and stick with the smaller ones. Not sure yet. Probably not though! I like them too much


Oh boy. They are so cute. I was sad b.c the petsmart closest to me doesn't carry them, but the one I went to to pick up my new tank had them, and it's only about 45 minutes. it might be worth the drive pretty soon
They look really good with the tigers too. I am very excited, so much in fact I can barely stand it hahaha. The tigers in your QT look good, keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!
Thanks! I think they will be ok. It was the small ones that didnt make it. The last time she got a couple bigger ones and they survived. Then i spent the extra money and bought the bigger obes. Cant handle the deaths anymore!!!! The loaches are doing wonderful.
Glad to hear they are all doing well, and loaches are pretty sensitive, so good job getting them acclimated, can't wait to see the in the main tank!!!!
I would like at least a group of five before i put them in the main tank. They are pricy too. $12 eacg!! And i thought clowns were expensive at ten each.. Lol
i know!!!! i want 4..... $48 bucks??! I didnt know til i saw them at the far away petsmart. but i still want them
Ok i added the four tiger barbs to my main tank to join my other six. And picked up another four polkadot loach . Fifty bucks.... Lol. They are worth it though. Now i will let them stay in the twenty gal for four weeks then to the main tank. Possibly another five tigers eventually but not sure yet. Will see how ten do! Thanks again for the help. Patience has sure paid off. They are amazing fish
That is exciting! I added a couple new tiny barbs to my school yesterday (in my new 60 gallon :yahoo: ) So I m up to 10 barbs all together (6 tigers, 4 green). The new little guys are a bit rude lol hopefully they learn some manners soon, I think I remember my others being a little over curious at first too though. Ill have to take some pics of the new wee ones to show you :) congrats on the new loaches too! Im going to let everyone settle into the new tank and let my fish budget build up again haha then I will def be adding my polka dots :)
Thats funny. Little ones think they own the tank huh? I have two that are fighting now and then. Its funny how they flash their fins up. Reminds me of two tough guys flexing to see who has bigger "muscles" lol.

Would love to see your group!! I went fourty over my gift card... Oops!! Gl with the new little one!
Here's a pic of my little gang before the new additions... they're fat, i know


Ill get some of the wee ones tomorrow. my journal is here if ya wanna take a peak at my other pics of the new setup :)
The tank and barbs look awesome! All that hard work finally paid off!!! :) Glad to see everything is working out good. And remember if the plants melt some its just from being transplanted and shipped and all of that. dont be impatient like me and throw them out thinking they are dead.. I threw out probably fourty dollars of plants.... :(
yikes!!! The only issues I really noticed were one of the anubias and java fern got crinkly leaves from having to take the driftwood in and out, trying dif ways to keep it submerged. The vallis was doing great but with the uprooting driftwood, it got uprooted too, so it started to get melty, but otherwise I think it would have been fine. Hopefully it bounces back, but I wont give up, I really love the way the long grass looks! And thanks, it feels great to finally just get to enjoy the tank now :)
Upgraded my lights today. Went from 64 watts To 128. Think that will help my plants a little. With the rocks figured in i should be about 1 wpg now maybe a little more. Hope it helps! Got in trouble for buying something else for my tank... Lol

how are your new plants coming along greenmumma?
My plants are doing well. The java that was crinkly is kind of brown and so is the anubias that got crinkly, keep hoping it will spring back, I dont want to cut the leaves off and have it look silly, seems how it grows so slow. The rest of the java and anubias are doing great. The vallis has stayed planted for a couple days now and Ive noticed a huge dif. in the amount of breakage now that its not floating around. I think all the vallis on the hill is going to be fine without any melting. And my hydro is doing great! I already see new baby leaves and it seems to be getting more springy :) SOOO... I ordered some more haha, except corkscew vallis this time :) I also have some pennywort coming too. It's really quite addicting lol ... Know any good tips on lowering ph (no harsh chems), I really want a pair of rams but my ph is way too high for german blues, and even a bit too high for bolivians. I need to lower it anyway, I can't imagine my fish are too happy with a ph of 8.0-8.2! I don't even know why it's getting so high, my tap is around 7.6. Im going to try filling a media bag with peat moss and sticking it in my filter. We'll see how that goes. How is the group of polka dots :wub: doin???

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