Dying Shrimp

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Fish Botherer
Dec 8, 2012
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I've had six Amano shrimp in my tank for 4 months and until now they've all been healthy although I rarely saw the smallest one.
Yesterday I saw the smallest shrimp sitting on the filter intake and when it jumped off it got blown around the tank.  This morning I caught the shrimp in a bottle trap and he is now listing/lying on his side at the bottom of the bottle and moving his arms very feebly.  I've tried to offer him food but he is ignoring it.
I don't think there's much more I can do for him so if he doesn't show improvement in the next few hours I will euthanise.  Is clove oil a recommended method for shrimp?  I've only used it on fish before.
I'm not sure I have never used clove oil to euthanaise, I would just leave him be, in my heavily planted tank of cherry shrimp I'd imagine some die here and there and get eaten by the others, I have never seen a dead one, I thought bottle traps were only used if the animal was difficult to catch, or did you just scoop him up in it? maybe he is just moulting, I would just leave him in the tank and see how he fares and then remove him if I see he has perished. 
Can s/he be moved to a little tank all by himself where you can change 100% of his water?
They're usually tough cookies those amanos and I've seen one of my own making a miraculous recovery from lying on his side after I removed him from his tank.
Sorry, silly question, but you haven't added anything to the tank that could have been treated, did you? No copper based stuff?
Thanks for the replies.  He is getting weaker and weaker.  There is very little movement now, just a tiny fluttering inside.  I don't want to use clove oil unless I know it is a good method for shrimp.
The bottle trap was actually in the tank in a vain attempt to catch some juvenile platies that I want to rehome but it caught two shrimp instead, including this sick one.
I do have a couple of tanks I could put him in including an empty hospital tank and a mostly empty planted 35L tank.  I honestly don't think he's going to make it though the next hour though.
I can't think of anything that would explain his sudden weakness.  No copper treatments.  The other Amano's seem fine (the other one that caught in the bottle trap was very active).  I think maybe this is the smallest Amano and has always been reclusive and perhaps he hasn't been getting enough food.
Och, I'm sorry, I don't know what to suggest. It doesn't sound great, to be fair. Not sure about Clove oil, but I've sent an email to the guy I get my shrimp (easishrimp) from and I'll let you know what he says as soon as he replies!
Yes, clove oil is a suitable method. AJ from easishrimp says it will put it to sleep.
Thanks FM. That's good to know. After what you said about shrimp recovering I might try to put him in the hospital tank and see what happens. I don't have much hope though. Thanks again.
Aw. sorry to hear this Daize :(
Does not sound good for the little guy, I have had 2 shrimps just sorta keel over and looks dead, half hour later its upped and moving about normally :/
But have lost a few over time, just one of these things I think.
No idea why!
I hope he's just been daized, ahem, by the water flow... Good luck!

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