Dying Guppy!


New Member
Nov 22, 2008
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1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc)

no3 is 10mg/l
no2 is 01mg/l
general hardness is >16*d
KH is 6*d
pH is 6.4

water temp is 75*F

all this is exactly the same as three months ago

2. A full description of the fishes symptoms.

only one fish (at this time or that i have seen) the tail is clamped down to a point their back is slightly bent and they can't swim properly - side fins are going like mad trying to keep it steady. the guppy in question is female.

3. How often you do water changes and how much.

once a week and only 2 litres a time

4. Any chemicals and treatments you add to the water.


5. What tank mates are in the tank.

more guppies, 4 fire ring danios, 2 peppered catifsh and 2 loaches (I cant remember which ones, they're albino looking)

6. Tank size.

2 ft x 1ft x 1ft, aprox 45 litres

7. Finally Have you recently added any new fish?

haven't added any but i have three sets of fry!!
you should be doing water changes in a bigger volume, say 10 litres a week, your tank works out at 54 litres, probable volume 48 litres, the poor water quality could be a trigger, for disease, also you have a nitrite reading, and your using the API 5 in 1 strips right? they're rubbish, get an API liquid master test kit. perform a 50% WC
it's either a bacterial or protozoan infection and is quite common in new guppies or guppies that have been kept in dirty tanks/ ponds. Try doing 50% water changes and gravel cleans each day for a week. If the fish hasn't improved after a few days then treat it with something like Waterlife Protozin. But be careful because the stuff can kill loaches and catfish if used at full strength. Follow the directions on the bottle regarding scaleless fish.
You can also try increasing the general hardness (GH) of the tank water. Livebearers usually do better in hard water and the bad bacteria cause less problems in hard water.
You could also try using rock or marine salt but many catfish and loaches don't like that.
Mine did this after giving birth as well, its head was horizontal as normal and the rest of its body was in a right angled shape.

Im guessing its just a bad effect of birth... it was like this for about 2 weeks then she died. :(
Mine did this after giving birth as well, its head was horizontal as normal and the rest of its body was in a right angled shape.

Im guessing its just a bad effect of birth... it was like this for about 2 weeks then she died. :(
yuo thats exactly how she is :(

the last three that did this, were new fish in a new tank and i was kinda expecting it, two were males one was female.

Is it a cycled tank?
yes :)

my dad has said when we had the big ass tank downstairs (5 feet long, 3 feet high and 2 feet deep) we had ALOT of guppies doing this (specifically females) after they gave birth. my other fish are all doing fab (am keeping a close eye)

i can only afford the strips - cant afford the chemical mix up ones - far to expensive (i dont have a job am only on job seekers at this time)

i shall however do a large scale water change this weekend :) and yes the gravel does need cleaning *finds my air vac*

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