Dying Fish ICH


New Member
Dec 4, 2003
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My tropical, including catfish, "suckerfish", shark all have ICH. Have fish for about 2 yrs and hubby recently bought a lgr. 29-gal tank and about 6 more fish. (now about 12) I took the filter out and raised the temp to 66*-68* and turned off the UV light. Please help..these were a gift to my son and I don't know what to do.
Hello Sorry to hear about your fish. : ( Mine had ich last summer. I treated with "QuICK Cure" by Aquarium Products. It says to treat until all fish are cured, but I recomend to keep treating at least 4 more days after last signs are gone. Do a water change after treatment is done. Hope this isnt too late to help you. Good luck!

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