Dyed fish-


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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I was looking around this one website in nessys sig, and I found this gourami. Now, I love my gouramis, and this is terrable.

There was a thread here a while ago about dyeing, so yeah

Here's the site pics. DeathbyDyeing
Look at the parrot fish, and the blueberry oscer
makes me sick. You know what I really and truely would not have such a problem with it if people knew what they were buying. blueberry oscar... need I say more. If they were advertised as mutilated dieing oscar then it'd be fine.

EDIT: this is how they do it. btw go to the bottom of the thread for the completed speech.

To think my parents always taught me not to judge by the colour of the skin.

I think in this instance they were very very wrong.

Well out of order. :-(
thats awfull why ruin an already beautiful fish

does it actually harm them and whats does it do to therm (not condoning it in any way LOL)
ok they dunk them in acid to remove the stress coat, then they stick a needle in them and inject non-toxic dye. Then they dunk them in a stress-coat solution. It damages the immune system and brings on disease. 80% of them die as a result.

they also dip them in dye and feed them dyed foods.
im still trying to get my lfs to not accept these fish and do the pfk thing and sign and say they are against it but every time i go and bring it up they look at me like ive got and extra head :-(
~nessy~ try getting more people to go in and tell them that they think they should quit buying those fish. call your friends.. demand controls supply

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