Dyed Fish


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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we all know about dyed fish etc and that it is cruel . but i have only just read about how they actually do it and i have to say i was shocked. its nothing short of barbaric . the people who do this should be strung up . if they did that to cute furry animals like puppies and kittens there would be public outcry.
we all know about dyed fish etc and that it is cruel . but i have only just read about how they actually do it and i have to say i was shocked. its nothing short of barbaric . the people who do this should be strung up . if they did that to cute furry animals like puppies and kittens there would be public outcry.

Yeah it's atrocious.
Read up on how they tatoo fish, its horrific!
I didn't know such a thing exsisted until I saw this post.
I put it in YouTube and was nearly physically sick.
I then put it in WikiPedia and read what the hell they put these fish through.

1) It's animal cruely, It's disgusting behaviour, WHY? You wouldn't ''paint'' your cat or dog, so because Fish can't show they're pain it's outragious!

2) NONE of them look pretty, Because it is un-natural and you can clearly see it's not natural and for that reason they look ugly - almost like a child's play thing!

Whole thing sickens me!!! :( :sick:
Sadly, people don't know that they are buying artificially colored fish. They go to the store, see cute little rainbow fish labeled things like "jelly bean" or "fruit basket" or "easter" etc. They aren't experienced fish people or don't know about the dyeing since the fish aren't even labeled as such, no warning, they're just labeled with cute, colorful names. So they buy these "cute" fish and the store is enticed to buy more since people are unwittingly buying them. I'm surprised to see that some people here on the forum don't know about the method of dyeing, but that goes to show that your average shopper won't have the slightest clue what they are buying.

I've seen tattooed cats before though... This stuff doesn't stop at fish.
Until I saw this thread I had no idea such a thing exsisted.

I would like to think if I saw these fish before knowing what happened to them, I would of seen it wasn't natural colouring, and not bought them.
I think it's really sad and people who do this to fish should be sent to jail because it's animal cruely, plain and simple! :(
i knew it happened and knew it was cruel , but didnt realise exactly how nasty it was til i read up on it . think il give the tattoing 1 a wide berth star , i can just imagine it .
Fish come in many different beautiful shapes, colours and sizes. Why people would want to alter that, i'll never know!

Zebra Danio's are dyed sometimes. It's against the law here in the UK, but they are allowed in some parts of the US.

They are known as 'Glofish'

That's just one examle.
For anyone who is shocked by this, remember that, although it is against the law to dye fish here, I believe it is still not illegal to sell dyed fish :S
there is a sticky in this forum from some time back with a proforma letter to write/email your MP, calling for the sale of dyed fish to be outlawed too
Trouble is, it's old news and so I am not sure that is likely to have much effect now and if you decide to send it, you would have to change the timescale in the letter!
Carole x
Zebra Danio's are dyed sometimes. It's against the law here in the UK, but they are allowed in some parts of the US.

They are known as 'Glofish'

That's just one examle.

Thats not true. The "Glofish" are genetically altered. The embryos of the great-great-great-grandparents of the glofish that you see in the store were spliced with the genes of organism that glows naturally. The color in glowfish is from a natural, fluorescent protein rather than a dye. The fish are born colored. Not to say there aren't dyed zebra danios, but Glofish are not dyed. The Glofish company has even copyrighted the genetic sequence of the fish, so only one company can make these fish. They are banned in the UK because they are genetically modified animals.

The fish I've seen dyed before are usually white blood parrot cichlids and I've even seen an albino corydora with blue dye injected into the base of its tail. Fish that are naturally see-through or white are the usual targets.
Which fish are most likely to be tatooed and/or dyed?
Parrot Cichlid, Black Skirt Tetras, some species of cory, Indian Glassfish (I must admit, the Dyed version is stunning :blush: )...anyway the list goes on.
lets not forget mollies and platies, and albino african clawed frogs - - called Tutti Frutti Frogs :sick:

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