Dyed Fish?


New Member
Aug 19, 2006
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Lodi, California, USA
I found the cutest fish for my new tank! They were pink ones and blue ones... they were called Strawberries & Blueberries. I came home to research them first... and I found out they were dyed! It was either by dipping them in dye, or injecting them!!! Isn't that awful??? The color is even all gone a year later!!! What is the point of this? I found these fish at a LPS that just opened recently, I have never been there before. I won't be buying any fish from them, and I will be mentioning the fish to them. Is it possible they don't know? They guy seemed very knowlegable, and caring about the fish... Well, I will find out.

Otherwise, it sounds like a really neat fish though. It's called a white skirted tetra. I thought maybe I would go look for a few undyed ones... I heard they can be a little heard to find though, but that they have the same personality as black skirted ones.

Do you think 4 of these tetras, 3 Austrailian raninbow fish, a red-finned shark, and a Siamese Algae Eater would go nicely together in a 26 tall semi planted tank?

Any imput would be great!!! Thanks!
The shark is the only one I already have! LOL! It stays pretty small...

Guess I will have to keep looking for something other than an SAE.... :sigh:
So I went back to the fish store, and he said that he knew they had been artificially dyed. What surprised me was that he said that they were not injected or dipped, but were colored using ultrasound, and that it didn't hurt them. I can't find any white tetras. :( No one seems to have them, they all have these colored ones... Hmmm.

Is it possible this ultrasound technology doesn't hurt them? Or is it just a bunch of hooey?
yeah i always see those and i won't buy them.... Oh and also you said about your RTBS

The shark is the only one I already have! LOL! It stays pretty small...

well he will grow about half a foot long and they will be really teritorial towards thier own kind or even something that looks like it so keep that in mind when choosing fish
One wonders how they would use sound waves to colour something in the first place, and how that employee thought that sounded logical (if infact he did).
just to let u know white skirt tetras are the semi-albino black skirt ones there the same thing just breed different. no cost difference just coloring. (schooling fish so u need 6 or more)
By just bred different, I assume you mean that they are essentially the same fish? So if I have 3 black & 3 white... then everyone should be happy?

I will check Petco for whites.... I know there is a new one around here some wheres...

Know what really sucks? These poor fish go through this awful dying process... then the survivors are in the pet store. Some ooh & ahh.... some say, "I won't buy it! It's been tortured!" Then they seem to loose out in the end, because they are stuck at Petco or whereever with HS student who loves fish on his dinner plate... If they are bought by a loving, caring person, they are enjoyed, but die early on because of their injuries. Additionally, the practice is condoned in a way.

The poor fish are just damned if they are bought, and double damned if they aren't! It's just so unfair. :(

(I saw something at Pet's Mart declaring that they refused to sell colored fishys. :) )

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