dyed cory or not?


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
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Kent UK
hi all
we have just recieved some cories in at work
labled fluorescent green and fluorescent gold
are these a natural species or have they been dyed?

my shop has signed up to pfks anti-dyed fish campaign, so I'm hoping they are not, but I can't find any english websites about them.

btw w have albino fireheads in too, guess what I'm bringing home tonight.
go to go the boss is comming.
What do they look like? Generally corys are dyed with stripes. Theres natural green ones, and I think gold possibly too, ask inch as she's got green (i think).
WoW ! Could they be the (natural) laser green and laser gold cories ?
If so, they are not dyed, but natural - and expensive !
How much are yours going for ?

You might find this Planetcatfish article interesting !

And this Scotcat article gives some examples (bottom left).
I know it's difficult as your at work but any chance of pictures.... I'd love to see!
Actually.... Wolf..... where do you work? Which shop and where? If you are allowed to say...PM me if u don't want to advertise!
There was another topic on this a couple of days ago. Someone said his LFS had some lazer green cories and they were $21.99 US dollars a piece I think...
Barracuda518 said:
There was another topic on this a couple of days ago. Someone said his LFS had some lazer green cories and they were $21.99 US dollars a piece I think...
Yep, you're thinking of this thread. But that's in the USA - we are in the UK - prices can't compared like for like :no:
:cool: thanks bloo
they are laser cories.

Sarah I work in
jackswood pets and aquatics
paddock wood

we are selling these at £7.95 each
The-Wolf said:
:cool: thanks bloo

we are selling these at £7.95 each
Wow that's not a bad price at all ! how big are they at the mo ?
bloozoo2 said:
Barracuda518 said:
There was another topic on this a couple of days ago.  Someone said his LFS had some lazer green cories and they were $21.99 US dollars a piece I think...
Yep, you're thinking of this thread. But that's in the USA - we are in the UK - prices can't compared like for like :no:

Sorry, I didnt know if there was some comparsion chart like there is with everything else :dunno:
about an inch and quarter maybe inch and a half
Barracuda518 said:
bloozoo2 said:
Barracuda518 said:
There was another topic on this a couple of days ago.  Someone said his LFS had some lazer green cories and they were $21.99 US dollars a piece I think...
Yep, you're thinking of this thread. But that's in the USA - we are in the UK - prices can't compared like for like :no:
Sorry, I didnt know if there was some comparsion chart like there is with everything else :dunno:

Nope afraid not - but trust me, in most cases I wish we could - stuff is generally sooooo much cheaper in the good old US of A :nod:

The-Wolf said:
about an inch and quarter maybe inch and a half

Not bad - very tempted..... they will probably go fairly quickly I would have thought.

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