You have to remember that the bettas cannot be kept in the same tank, so therein lies the problem. Does Wal mart and every other lfs get 20 ten gallon tanks just for bettas because you complained? Defintely not. The betta males cannot be kept together and can live for a long time in a tiny cup, provided that the water is changed. Granted Wal Mart does have a horrible fish department and they give terrible advice, the lfs are guilty of keeping bettas in tiny enclosures too. Back in the orient, the betta is never allowed in a large tank because it will swim fast. Quick swimming will damage the beautiful fins (they get all torn up real quick). The problem lies with the people in the far east breeding color into these fish and getting everyone used to the idea of small containers. The blue comes from methelene blue, a treatment designed to ward off ich and ather maladies. It has nothing to do with the coloration on the fishes which is not dyed or injected!
I am not defending the practices of betta shipping or selling, I am merely defining the facts. By the way silver, your parrot that looks purple looks like it was injected. Injection is a much more valliant crusade and deserves education in the public eye. People will always keep bettas in small containers, and college students will always swallow goldfish on a dare. Sorry.
You have to remember that the bettas cannot be kept in the same tank, so therein lies the problem. Does Wal mart and every other lfs get 20 ten gallon tanks just for bettas because you complained? Defintely not. The betta males cannot be kept together and can live for a long time in a tiny cup, provided that the water is changed. Granted Wal Mart does have a horrible fish department and they give terrible advice, the lfs are guilty of keeping bettas in tiny enclosures too. Back in the orient, the betta is never allowed in a large tank because it will swim fast. Quick swimming will damage the beautiful fins (they get all torn up real quick). The problem lies with the people in the far east breeding color into these fish and getting everyone used to the idea of small containers. The blue comes from methelene blue, a treatment designed to ward off ich and ather maladies. It has nothing to do with the coloration on the fishes which is not dyed or injected!
I am not defending the practices of betta shipping or selling, I am merely defining the facts. By the way silver, your parrot that looks purple looks like it was injected. Injection is a much more valliant crusade and deserves education in the public eye. People will always keep bettas in small containers, and college students will always swallow goldfish on a dare. Sorry.