Dwarf Puffs Your Stories

I'm feeding them microworms for the first couple of months. Then onto mini or chopped up frozen bloodworms. Mind you, out of that many, only a few survive :sad:
looks like youve got a fair few there though

Yeah, there are about 25 in that tub :) but what usually happens is that they don't always take up food and start dying until only a few strong ones left. I know this because I have already had a few batches this year. Not that I have room for all of them anyway :rolleyes:
Very nice isnail :good:

Do DPs like a gentle current or strong current?
Very nice isnail :good:

Do DPs like a gentle current or strong current?

Thanks :blush: ..... sadly, most of them have died :-( which I'm quite used to now. I think they do like a bit of current, obviously not too strong. Even the tiny babies can hover very well in a fair bit of current. Must post some pics of my growing puffs later :D
Thanks :blush: ..... sadly, most of them have died :-( which I'm quite used to now. I think they do like a bit of current, obviously not too strong. Even the tiny babies can hover very well in a fair bit of current. Must post some pics of my growing puffs later :D

OK thanks. Yeh some pics would be awsome! :good:

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