
Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2005
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dwarf puffers do work in a comunity tank (in this case) my advice for picking one out (if you want one is tho pick them when they are in a tank with outer fish) try to pick a female (they dont have a strip on there stomach) also ask for a fat one because those one wont be hungry and they wont go after the other fish) i have a 90 gallon tank and i just got 1 and it likes to swim with the guppys! thhe guppys dont like that much but it isnt because she is tring to nip at the tails i love dwarf puffers and i hope you do to so if you see one get it ( this might have been a lucky dwarf puffer so dont quate me on this if it does kill the other fish) mine is good sofar but ill seen what happens tomorow! please post pictures of dwarf puffs if they are inflated or not inflated thanks a bunch! :kewlpics:
I think the only reason your DP isn't aggressive is because it's in a 90G tank, where most people will put them into a much smaller tank where the puffer would have to defend it's territory :)
How long has the DP been in there with the Guppies? What will you do when one day (s)he decides (s)he does want to chomp on some fancy fin?

It's worked for now, and it may work for some time, but I would never advise DPs for a community. Possibly Bristlenoses and some gobies, but not guppies.

Don't want to sound down beat and pessimistic, but I can already see a string of "My DP did this to my community fish" threads.

Still, best of luck to you :thumbs:
Guys i have had 5 dps in with guppies for almost a year now with no problem
ive had them with my guppies 4 2weeks now i resently got some more new guppies and every1 is fine but i no what you meen
dwarf-puffers said:
I've had them with my guppies for two weeks now. I recently got some more new guppies and every one is fine but I know what you mean

Wow two whole weeks.(sarcasm)

Young dwarf puffers are nice and peaceful.
When they become adults they will almost certainly eat your guppies and will definately eat guppy babies.

This is what happened overnight to the tetras in our dwarf puffer tank after living peacefully together for a long time.


We no longer keep tetras with our dwarf puffers.

And why did you make the text in your first post so big?
Two things sirminion..............
1 whats with the bug in the pic?
2 isnt that tetra alive in that picture? it seems to be trying to keep its eyes horizontal (something that a fish does 100% of the time unless severly ill/stressed)
Oddball said:
2 isnt that tetra alive in that picture? it seems to be trying to keep its eyes horizontal (something that a fish does 100% of the time unless severly ill/stressed)
It's gills and every other internal organ has been ripped out. No chance it was alive when the pic was taken.

I was hoping that OddBall was being sarcastic....And I have one word for keeping other fish with puffers: EEEEEEWWWWWWWWW
We are missing a sarcastic smiley or button arent we lol, seriously though ive seen some fish withstand some horriffic punishment and still try to carry on......................

The other consequence of puffers is them tearing strips from the finnage of their tank mates
Oddball said:
Two things sirminion..............
1 whats with the bug in the pic?
2 isnt that tetra alive in that picture? it seems to be trying to keep its eyes horizontal (something that a fish does 100% of the time unless severly ill/stressed)
What bug? huh? *confused*

No, that tetra (and eleven of it's school-mates) was very dead indeed. We never did find all the pieces.
Well, there is something that looks like a bug in the upper central region of the fish, sort of blackish coloured.

Phantom Thief said:
Well, there is something that looks like a bug in the upper central region of the fish, sort of blackish coloured.

Right, I see what you mean.

If I remember rightly, that was a fragment of bogwood that got caught in the filter along with the corpse.

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