Dwarf Puffers..

1 block is way too much for 3 dwarf puffers!

mine have around 5 or 6 bloodworm each every other day (they are fussy little buggers and refuse to eat anything else), a block contains a couple of hundred bloodworm...

i defrost a cube in a little tank water, then i suck a little of the bloodworm up into a small chicken baster. i then dip the end of the baster into the tank and let a few bloodworm drop out of the end. the rest of the bloodworm gets gobbled up by my very greedy BGK (in another tank)
One block lasts mine about 3 days, but they are munching on a snail or two as well.

I take a bit of tank water, pop it in a small bowl with the block to defrost it, then I use some plastic tweezers to feed them to the DP.

I feed them twice a day & they take maybe 3 or 4 each at a time, I wouldnt put the whole block in, as they wont eat it all & its a big mess to try to clean up.

Its fun with the tweezers, mine will only eat if they think the food is live so I have to wiggle them.

I brought my plastic tweezers in bulk as they were cheap so I can send you a pair if you like? They are handy for the daphnia as well, you dont want to put much of that in at a time, its messy stuff.

Once you've fed them, pop a bit of foil over the bowl & pop it in the fridge, if you can find an old plastic pot with lid, write all over it, i'm sure your mum wont mind.
Wow - yeah could you send me some tweezers? and I will have to wait till it comes near'er to the time of getting the puffers, then you will have to re-explain everything hehe.
Can I feed them frozen foods, will they last longer?

My three Dwarf puffers are two years old and right from the start i've fed mine live food. A bit of a mistake I feel as they won't eat anything else. Although they will eat frozen if they really have too, found this out when my fish store ran out of live food for two weeks, took them about two days to eat the frozen stuff!!!

You'll go to the ends of the earth to make them happy when they come up to the glass with those big puppy dog eyes!!!
hehe, well i think i will look alot more further and do alot more research before i get these.
i feed mine every other day.

today he ate 4 bloodworms and a shrimp :)

so lovely ;)

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