Dwarf Puffers- My Plan!


Jun 3, 2006
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Bathgate, Scotland, UK
Ok, well here's my plan.

As some of you may have read my pair of Apistos died within the last month because an infection. So I now have an opportunity to try out some DP's in my planted 15 gallon tank! The only problem is I still have 5 ottos and 5 corydoras pygmaeus in the tank! I was thinking of adding 3 DP's (1 male 2 females) at first and maybe upping it to 4 (1:3) if everything runs smoothly.

I have heard some stories about these little nippers, but I think it would be worth trying- especially since my cories tend to keep themselves to themselves. I've read alot about it depending on each individuals personality etc etc. ottos only. maybe shrimp...etc etc and I do have a small tank (maybe 7 gallons) that can be set u if the cories or one or two of the puffers could move to if there's trouble.

Is there anybody here that would strongly advise against this? Or do you think it would be worth a shot? If you don't think I should, what do you think should go in the tank instead of the DP's?

Ok, well here's my plan.

As some of you may have read my pair of Apistos died within the last month because an infection. So I now have an opportunity to try out some DP's in my planted 15 gallon tank! The only problem is I still have 5 ottos and 5 corydoras pygmaeus in the tank! I was thinking of adding 3 DP's (1 male 2 females) at first and maybe upping it to 4 (1:3) if everything runs smoothly.

I have heard some stories about these little nippers, but I think it would be worth trying- especially since my cories tend to keep themselves to themselves. I've read alot about it depending on each individuals personality etc etc. ottos only. maybe shrimp...etc etc and I do have a small tank (maybe 7 gallons) that can be set u if the cories or one or two of the puffers could move to if there's trouble.

Is there anybody here that would strongly advise against this? Or do you think it would be worth a shot? If you don't think I should, what do you think should go in the tank instead of the DP's?


I'm all up for the combining of puffers into community set ups, but, I think that the pygmy cories would make easy targets for DP's.

You can try by all means, but make sure you've got a matured filter ready for that 7 gallon if it all goes pear shaped.
My Dwarf cories weren't so lucky when I first had them with the DPs. Fins got nipped and one still bearing the scar unfortunately. They are in different tanks now. The only other inhabitants I have with my DPs are some Amano shrimps and MTSs. Amanos have been fine in there except when I went away for 2 weeks and the DPs got a bit starved and had a feast on shrimp antennae and a few legs. Luckily the Amanos moulted and regenerated. Most of the MTSs end up as DP food but some survive and still breed.

It's very difficult to know if your DPs are going to get on with certain tank mates unless you try them out. They are all different and that's what makes DPs so fun to watch. However, don't put any fast swimmers/movers like zebra danios in with them. DPs seem to get harassed by them and also feeding would be problematic too since they eat pretty slowly.

Most of the DPs I see in LFS are juveniles so it's pretty hard to pick on what sexes you want. I would most definitely say have a go at keeping DPs whatever sexes they turn out to be. Hilariously funny fish to watch.
Thanks for the input guys!

Fella, I'll have enough filter media (+ spare filter and heater) for the 7 gal. :good: I'll also make sure that the lfs will take the Dp's back if I have major problems with them.

However, don't put any fast swimmers/movers like zebra danios in with them. DPs seem to get harassed by them and also feeding would be problematic too since they eat pretty slowly.

iSnail- This is probably one of my main reasons for even thinking about DP's in this tank. The cories aren't overly active and only really scavenge for food at lights out. I have mts in the tank, which should do for in-between meal snacks, but I'm looking into getting pest snails from somebody to feed them properly.

cheers :)

i have one Dp in a 5g alone, he was overly aggressive, and attacked anything, on the other hand, i have 3 pieceful DP in a 15g, with ottos, 1 ghost shrimp and an apple snail, it depends on the fish, although i woundnt risk adding another female to have 4 puffers, i risked 4 puffers in a 15g, and one was aggressive beond meaning. however, i think, DP can be pieceful, but dont over do it, give them plenty of personaly space, and nothing that will annoy them.
tried to get 3 yesterday, but nowhere in central scotland had them :eek:!! I tried phoning everywhere: edinburgh to glasgow, and every other place in between! I'll need to leave it a few weeks I think. It'll let my plants grow and fill out though, which should only be a plus.
Ultimate Aquatics in Fife generally always has them in stock.


Just checked their webby and their current stock list does contain Dwarf Puffers, Salivators and Arrowheads :)
cheers, I was goin to try UA, but it's a bit far away from me. I might see if I can take a journey up that way in the next week or so.

thanks DE
Ive been through there are few times and im just outside Glasgow. Worth the trip if you are going for something in particular. Thats where i got my Salivator and Clown Plec from :)

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