dwarf puffers-help!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 22, 2005
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I am new here and new to freshwater puffers.
I have marine puffers, a dogface, a GSP and a valentino.

I need some help please. I have fallen in love with dwarfs and am about to get another tank (this will be 5).I have read that 5 Gals per fish.I would like to get 2 and have a shot at breeding.I have read Rens Breeding page , which is fantastic and noticed that he seems to be using smaller tanks.

The tank I have in mind is 35L, 7.7 UK Gals, 9.30 US Gals

Please could some one tell me if this size would be ok.Also I need advice on the filter.I want to avoid any fry being sucked up.I know what messy fish these are!

Many thanks

Sam x
My sister just purchased 2 dwarf puffers and she keeps them in a planted 10 gallon and they seem fine together. But they have only been in the tank for less than an hour so I don't know. :dunno:
don't vacum get large snails food that cleans.
You will need a spare tank incase male harassment gets to much for the female.
you need large clums of java moss & no tank mates.

If your new to dps I suggest wating befor you breed because it's alot of work.
Just so you know:

Males have a line down their belly and wrinkles behind their eyes. Females don't.


Large snails: I wouldn't recommend, you see, puffers just LOVe snails! :p

Hmmm...you'll neeed a good filter......but you don't want the fry to be sucked up...cmost fry are clever enough to stay in the calm spots, bur just in case, get some java moss or something!

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