Dwarf Puffer's Favorite Foods?


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
I've been trying to do some research on dwarf puffers, both on this site and elswhere, and I'm a little confused by what types of foods they like -- I read contradicting things on different sites.

Before I think about buying any, I want to make sure I'll be able to feed them, as one of my biggest fears is that I'll bring them home and they won't eat anything I offer them.

Do you all feed yours frozen or live foods -- or a combination? And what types -- brine shrimp (frozen or live), blood worms, etc.??

I have lots of small snails in one of my tanks (not sure what type -- they're really small and have a light brown shell with darker brown spots). Would the puffers eat these? They have to have snails in their diet to keep their teeth worn down, correct?

Forgive me, I'm kind of a newbie (especially to puffers) but I'm trying to gather as much info as possible so I know whether they're "right for me" or not. Thanks guys!
I've got SA's and they love fresh snails :nod: - the only thing to watch is malaysian trumpet snails (conical shell) as these are very tough and can break the puffers teeth.

In addition mine also love bloodworm (frozen and other stuff in a variety pack) and will also take flake and even cichlid tabs....

www :)
i feed my dps snails of course, but also live tubifex worms (when i can get these, though you need to be careful, these can introduce nasties, i lost a puffer to a bad batch once), live brine shrimp, feeder ghost shrimp, frozen bloodworm (if i could find live here, i'd feed that too), frozen brine shrimp, frozen mussel (they LOVE this stuff). most dps WON'T take food thats floating on the surface (i tested them with some krill, had to remove it). mine also won't touch shrimp pellets.

i've also noticed that my dps tend to prefer food that is moving, they like to "stalk and hunt" it. so when i don't have live food, i dump the thawed out frozen food over and airstone and into the current from the filter, so it "moves".
Mine has been eating only frozen bloodworm, and she likes it. Also, obviously, the odd snail whenever I get the chance. No matter how many snails you think you've got in your other tank, it won't be enough. I thought I had enough, but they were all gone within a few weeks.

I would love to feed her live bloodworm, but I can't find any around here. I'm probably going to get some live ghost shrimp (just a couple) to put in there, and I'd like to start up a brine shrimp hatchery.

As MAM said, they'll pretty much ignore anything that's not moving. There are pretty strong currents circulating water in my tank, so the frozen bloodworms do a bit of a dance when they're in there, but as soon as they touch the ground it's like the puffer doesn't see them anymore.
Since snails are pretty hard to come by I feed Trogdor frozen blood worms once a day from twizers where he had to rub his teeth up against the metal to get the food. Great little eatter :) Luckly althoug there has been a few nips in the beginning he hasn't developed a taste for oto.
Movement is the key. I have frozen mysis shrimp that just sits in the bottom of the tank. They will eat it, but I think its thier last choice. I haven't done blood worms but everyone keeps saying to try those. I don't get how they will let some frozen food sit, and eat others. However people suggest its a hemogloben in the worms.

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