Dwarf puffers and bloodworms


New Member
Feb 5, 2017
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I am looking to get a few dwarf puffers and i am looking for advice on how to feed them. How many frozen blood worms should i feed each puffer?
When you thaw the frozen bloodworms in a dish of warm water, drop a few in and the fish will get them. Bloodworms are not a very nutritious food and should not be fed more often than once a week, as a sort of treat. Puffers should take to prepared foods.
A good quality flake, and small pellet. I use New Life Spectrum freshwater flake and pellet foods (they have different sizes of pellets, get the smallest which are 0.5 mm). I also use Omega One flake foods.

Another source of food are snails. Puffers love them. If you have a source of the small species like pond or bladder, drop a few in each week. I had a single dwarf puffer for a while, and it cleared the tank of these snails in no time. It even managed to get some of the Malaysian Livebearing which are about the most difficult snail for fish to eat because of the "trap door" they have. A few snails remaining in the substrate survived, but any venturing out got eaten.

Frozen daphnia could be another treat food. Frozen shrimp is another.

Generally speaking, if at all possible, get fish onto the prepared foods as their staple diet. These foods are far more nutritious, plus they are easy to feed.

I have never had a dwarf puffer take prepared foods, it would be so much easier if they did, mine is fed on a mix of live snails, daphnia, frozen bloodworm, brine shrimp and mosquito larvae, just a few once a day so that their belly is nicely rounded is how I feed, all the dwarfs I have had would sooner starve than accept a pellet or flake :/
I have never had a dwarf puffer take prepared foods, it would be so much easier if they did, mine is fed on a mix of live snails, daphnia, frozen bloodworm, brine shrimp and mosquito larvae, just a few once a day so that their belly is nicely rounded is how I feed, all the dwarfs I have had would sooner starve than accept a pellet or flake :/

Which of those makes up their main diet?
It's good to vary as much as possible but I would say live snails as the main one but frozen brine, bloodworms, mosquito larvae in between or when you cannot get live snails, mine does take freeze dried brine shrimp too sold in cubes.
I feed mainly tadpole snails as they are just the right size for dwarf puffers but any small snails will be eaten.

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