Dwarf Puffer

I'm worried now :unsure: should I put her in my communal tank for a week or two?? I could place her in a breeding tank??

And thanks guys ;)


If she's not showing stress then just keep an eye on the water parameters. You can do small partial water changes every day or two if you are worried. Moving her to a breeding box will defintely stress her out.
She still seems fine :good: , in-fact she seems really healthy and very active. I have now added the sand it was no trouble, I simply added a little at a time and the water didn't even go that cloudy :hyper: . Im of to try and fined a Amano shrimp today I have tried two places off to my third or fourth :rolleyes: .

I will try and post some more pics of the tank in all its glory ;)

And thanks for all the help guys ;)

I once heard bumble bee gobies could be kept with small puffers. But maybe that's not true. I never kept puffers before so.....
In my puffer tank (5.5 gallon), there has been a very small population of cherry shrimp for ages. The interesting thing is there seems to be some color-based selection going on, as the males are all totally clear, and the females have only the slightest hint of red.

I did have a bumblebee goby in a tank with dwarf puffers for quite awhile. He somehow vanished for around a month, but then surfaced again. Seemed to be doing fine all things considered, but he's since been moved to a tank with two of his compatriots.

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