Dwarf Puffer


Fish Fanatic
Oct 10, 2004
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Hi Guys
I haven't made a post in ages and having just set-up a 4 gallon planted dwarf puffer tank I thought Id ask you guys some questions.

What fish can I keep with my puffer? other than otos?? I was wandering if I could keep any shrimps... probably a stupid question :rolleyes: but one I really wanted to ask.

I have read lots of resources and I really what to know whether there are any dried foods the puffer will eat, I am currently feeding snails (twice a week) and brine shrimp.

I will try and get some nice photos of her ;)

Many thanks

You can try shrimps. It all depends on the individual puffer/s some will attack the shrimp others will leave alone.
Personally I have had no luck with oto's.
I have had my DP's for 2 years and have had no luck getting them to take dried foods.
Frozen bloodworm,mysis and daphnia plus the occasional shrimp :hyper: are all I can get mine to eat.
amano shrips... thats about it. And even they might not be tolerated.
Hi Guys thanks for the advice, there are so many different opinions I struggle to understand some of the things :rolleyes: . I think I will try and add a shrimp will probably go and try tomorrow. The shrimp has almost 0 biological load right? I have just read the pinned posts and I don't what to push my filter :good: I'm just posting some pics of her.

How is it best to add a sand base do you think?? -_- I will probably have to remover her or just do it very slowly.

Is the tank cycled/mature as Puffers are very sensitive to poor water. Also dont expect Dwarf Puffers to tolerate Oto's or Shrimp, some do some dont, just dont be surprised to find dead shrimp and Oto's should you get a Puffer with an attitiude :)
Is the tank cycled/mature as Puffers are very sensitive to poor water. Also don't expect Dwarf Puffers to tolerate Oto's or Shrimp, some do some dont, just dont be surprised to find dead shrimp and Oto's should you get a Puffer with an attitiude :)

The water taken from an established tank and filter has also been running in a tank that was taken apart a few weeks before, I trust this is all ok? I thought it would be -_- . She has been in there for a week now and all seems well, she is eating well and doesn't seem stressed.

Many thanks


p.s. I just hope my puffer doesn't have an attitude :lol: she seems so sweet :rolleyes:
Is the tank cycled/mature as Puffers are very sensitive to poor water. Also don't expect Dwarf Puffers to tolerate Oto's or Shrimp, some do some dont, just dont be surprised to find dead shrimp and Oto's should you get a Puffer with an attitiude :)

The water taken from an established tank and filter has also been running in a tank that was taken apart a few weeks before, I trust this is all ok? I thought it would be -_- . She has been in there for a week now and all seems well, she is eating well and doesn't seem stressed.

Many thanks


p.s. I just hope my puffer doesn't have an attitude :lol: she seems so sweet :rolleyes:

Water from an established tank has no bacteria, and if the filter has been unused for a couple of weeks the bacteria will be dead so the tank will not be cycled. If this is the case then you need to be very very accurate with the tests as Puffers are very sensitive to poor water quality.
I keep mine with Amano shrimps without any problems "so far". The only time the shrimps got nipped was when I went away for two weeks and they were fed only once during that time. But never trust they behave the same all the time. They are unpredictable :lol:
I'm worried now :unsure: should I put her in my communal tank for a week or two?? I could place her in a breeding tank??

And thanks guys ;)

Is the tank cycled/mature as Puffers are very sensitive to poor water. Also dont expect Dwarf Puffers to tolerate Oto's or Shrimp, some do some dont, just dont be surprised to find dead shrimp and Oto's should you get a Puffer with an attitiude :)

A puffer with an attitude is there such a thing ?????? :lol:
I'm worried now :unsure: should I put her in my communal tank for a week or two?? I could place her in a breeding tank??

And thanks guys ;)

Don't place your little girl in a communal tank! I have 3 girls with 2 otos and 1 amano shrimp. The otos and the shrimp were in the tank first, but the girls are still young and are peaceful at the moment :D

I like your girl, but she needs fattening up :lol: Have you given her any Internal Parasite meds as yet, as she looks a little sunken in the belly region? Most DPs coming from LFS will have IPs when you first get them. My girls were the fattest ones in the tank when I picked them, but with a dose of Wormer Plus and some live bloodworm, they soon fattened up and now look like swimming mnarbles :lol:
Is the tank cycled/mature as Puffers are very sensitive to poor water. Also dont expect Dwarf Puffers to tolerate Oto's or Shrimp, some do some dont, just dont be surprised to find dead shrimp and Oto's should you get a Puffer with an attitiude :)

A puffer with an attitude is there such a thing ?????? :lol:

Oh god yes. My old T Turgidus actually waited for me to remove uneaten food before attacking me. Then my Salivator bit me and my Fig8's like to chase my fingers and actively hunt them....

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