Dwarf Puffer Tank Diary


Fish Fanatic
Apr 28, 2009
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i have i five gallon tank set up with canadian pondweed and a few small bits of hairgrass and a log, this is for 1 dp only is it ok
all i need is planting suggestions, and to get the dp any ideas guys?? :p

the bog wood has made the tank go tea coloured! :angry: should i just let it filter out or water change???
The puffers won't mind the tea coloured water :D If it bothers you, put activated carbon in the filter (can be bought in sponge form). Just remember to change it every 6-8 weeks else it will leach everything back into the water again :D

I'd make the tank as interesting as poss for the little guy. Even though you don't need to put lots of plants and caves in to prevent fighting, they need alot to float around to keep them alert and interested in their environment. A nice cave would be appreciated by your dp as well :D

If you have bog wood you can get anubias and java fern and tie that to it. Moss balls are also good :D
thx for the reply!
The bogwood has a great big cave in it which should be great for the puffers, also the canadian pondweed will give him/her lots of cover :hyper:
Also which gender should i get, which is usually more active or exiting, in your opinion. I seem to have seen alot of interesting females but perhaps that is just luck of the draw :lol:
I don't know about others but that is totally down to the individual!

I have 2 males and 2 females.

female 1 - piggy - she is first in to eat and lets me nudge her out the way and wont leave me alone when i am in the tank.

female 2 -princess - skitzy and zoomy, she will let me hand feed her

male 1 - miniman - the weakest at first he is boisterous but knows his place under the bossy females of the tank.

male 2 (his own tank) - mainman - quiet and loves my company in a quiet sort of way. He has always been moody and doesn't like change (especially when miniman took over him in the dominant section!), he potters about quite happily doesnt beg for food like the others and likes to see me and Alex.

So that is just to give an idea on my puffs personalities. :)

oh p.s. - if you end up getting a young DP you may not completely know the sex until he/she has matured (which is exciting in itself!)
really :hyper: so it wont have wrinkles or the belly line yet kl :good:
Also which gender should i get, which is usually more active or exiting, in your opinion. I seem to have seen alot of interesting females but perhaps that is just luck of the draw :lol:
As long as you do just stick to the one DP (best for that size tank) then sex won't matter really :D You'll love it no matter what it is. Dominant females can also get a dark belly stripe btw...not just the males ;)

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