Dwarf Puffer Setups

Keeping a single DP in a three gallon (Imp) is ok and sounds good in this instance if you can supply the meds needed, (5 gal per puffer is american, so 1 per 4 is ok, and 1 per 3 is ok if you are prepared for the water changes and stuff).

Hope you get it as it sounds like you will sort it out.

thought id share, the planting of the tank can really affect these rules. I keep 5 DPs in a 20g tall tank - for over a year now - along with 10 ottos, some baby bristlenoses, around 30 amano shrimps, and some siamese algae eaters (yes the proper ones). Barring a few nipped fins for the saes when they try to steal bloodworm, everyone gets on great!! The secret is the tank is an absolute jungle... some people wouldnt like it as you do gotta look for the fishes :D But the puffers seem to love it!!

I agree with the caution though, they do nip fins and they will eat things. But alot depends on the environment.....

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