Dwarf Puffer questions


Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Walsall, UK
I've just copied this post here as I've been told puffer keepers hand out here.

I'm thinking of doing away with my 70 litre cold water setup and going tropical instead, namely a species tank for dwarf puffers.

Well they've had so much good press on here of late how can I resist it

Are they really as interesting as people say? Also in a planted 70 litre tank could I house say 4? I've read they are territorial and messy.

I've got a couple of goldfish in the tank at this time who would be re-homed with my father. Considering I started years ago with cold water fish I want to make sure the puffers will not disapoint me

Also, would the puffers be happier with a sand based substrait with just say a 25% gravel contenet mixed in as opposed to all gravel substrait.

Thanks in advance.
You should be able to get around 6 to maybe 8 in a tank of your size to achieve the correct balance in stocking males and females [more detail belwo] in there on the basis of 1 fish per 8-11 litres [2-3 US gal] again as long as they can establish their own territories etc.. and there are plenty of caves, plants etc etc.. please bare in mind though that puffers do get more aggressive as they age, especially during mating. also I would definitely go for the full sand based substrate as puffers always seem happier in sand... although gravel is fine.

The ratio for keeping these guys [if they're large enough to sex] is 1 male to 3 females. Males will be less aggressive this way, they have been known to fight to the death


Determining the sex of Dwarf Puffers when they're young is very difficult since most of their secondary sexual characteristics do not show up until they reach adulthood.  Most of the Dwarf Puffers sold in stores are juveniles, so picking out how many males and females you're getting can be next to impossible.  Most owners won't know until their dwarves are grown.  When they are old enough, however, it is easy to tell the males from the females:  The males have a dark line that runs down their belly (their bellies have more yellow coloring as well).  The vertical line on the males darkens with sexual maturity and during spawning.  The males also have lines or "wrinkles" behind their eyes that the females do not have. The C. imitator male is identifiable by a "keel" and "comb" created with the ability to erect their dorsal and ventral ridges.  Finally, another way to determine the sex of a Dwarf Puffer is to look at its body shape.  The female's body will be much rounder than the male's.



Best of luck with them

oh excellent, thanks for the info.

From what you've said I feel its worth some more research.

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