Dwarf Puffer In A Community Tank ?

I have 1 male DP in a 10 gal w/ 2 leopard danios, 1 glass fish, and 1 tiny bristlenose pleco and hes doing fine. :)

I feed him a blackworm or 2 and the rest get tetra crisps.
Thanks for the input guys so what would you recomned i could have with them ? im willing to build my tank around the puffer as u suggested i do love them but dont really want a species tank

What fish would get along in a sense with DP maybe about 3-4 different species if posable and defo would not get one if i new i would be putting iti in dange rs I have pea puffers
Dwarf puffers to my understanding/ have been told are classic puffer fin nippers... I personally wouldnt mix them with anything species tanks for fish like that are the best IMO that being said I am sure they are fine with some fish and it probably comes down to as much the individual personality as anything but do you want to risk it?
IMO Dwarf puffers should be in a species tank. But if you want to risk it, I would suggest Oto cats, Siamese Algae eaters, Tiger barbs, very small cichlids. Dont add fish that can swallow the DP whole tho. My old DP lived peacefully with some livebearers, female Bettas, rainbowfish for a bit...after a month and a half it started nipping @ everyone in the tank relentlessly.

My old half an inch DP shared a tank with an RTBS(3 1/2") before. The RTBS inspected her n for some reason the RTBS knew to just stay away from her. IME its better to put the puffer into defensive, cuz they r smart n quite capable of taking care of themselves. I dont think u'd want to that to ur puffer tho if the DP's gonna be your main fish. They r cute little things, they dont mean to be nippy, its just theyre nature :lol:

I find them too tiny tho. If I'll get another Puffer, I'd get an Irrubesco or Salivator and divide my tank with just a Male Betta on one side and the Puffer on the other. I've kept DP n Irrubesco Puffer before...it was kinda stressful :lol: they ended up in a species tank eventually. My Irrubesco never nipped @ my Blood Parrot even tho how much she wanted to, my BP sense what she's up to and chases her aggressively b4 she even got the chance.
i have a figure 8 puffer in a community tank, probably the most well behaved fish in the tank, considering it has tank mates from a Siamese fighter, some discus, gold rams, galaxy rasbora, neons, endler guppy's, gold ring butterfly loach and tiny lamp eyes, i am being serious when i say it is EASILY the most well behaved fish in the tank, possibly the only fish in there i haven't seen chase another. its about 2 inch's long and shows no interest what so ever in any other fish, big or small, fast or slow, short fins or long fins. to say this is a very unnatural community is an understatement but just proves that some fish like the smaller puffers have a bad reputation when it is not always the case. i would also say i believe it is the 'attitude' of the individual fish not necessarily the species.
i have 2 silver sharks in my larger community tank and they boss things round like the very large tinfoil barbs so i wouldn't say a dwarf puffer would last very long.

whoa whoa whoa...... i hope you know that like someone else said, figure eights need some salt as they ARE low end brackish fish (salt 1.003), yes they swim through fw and brackish water zones in the wild, but their at their best when kept with salt, not to mention in slightly harder water that the discus would probably not enjoy. Also some of the other species you mentioned that are in this community tank don't really mix either temp wise or ph requirement wise. This also makes me wonder how large of a tank you have....

Anyways +1 for species only tanks for most if not ALL puffer!

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