i have a figure 8 puffer in a community tank, probably the most well behaved fish in the tank, considering it has tank mates from a Siamese fighter, some discus, gold rams, galaxy rasbora, neons, endler guppy's, gold ring butterfly loach and tiny lamp eyes, i am being serious when i say it is EASILY the most well behaved fish in the tank, possibly the only fish in there i haven't seen chase another. its about 2 inch's long and shows no interest what so ever in any other fish, big or small, fast or slow, short fins or long fins. to say this is a very unnatural community is an understatement but just proves that some fish like the smaller puffers have a bad reputation when it is not always the case. i would also say i believe it is the 'attitude' of the individual fish not necessarily the species.
i have 2 silver sharks in my larger community tank and they boss things round like the very large tinfoil barbs so i wouldn't say a dwarf puffer would last very long.