I have a male and a female, they are truly wonderful, the best fish I own BY FAR!!!!
I would be VERY VERY careful with plecos or corycats, I have heard of these guys taking a turn for the agressive side once entering adulthood. I do know people have had much more success with the otto cats as they occur in the same river in India and coexist with dwarf puffers in nature. I generally keep snails in the tank at all times, as my tank is nice and heavily planted. When the snails get into a good hiding place they are hard to find, and with these puffers I have noticed out of sight is out of mind for them so they forget what they were looking for. I have had a lot of luck with live brine shrimp, you can gut load them with some good nutrients, and they puffers LOVE LOVE LOVE to chase them down and eat them.
I have noticed with the snails, they have a hard time eating enough of the snail to really fatten their bellies like they get with frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp.
Also, If it is possible with your LFS, I would grab more than you needed, so that you can make sure you get a ratio of 1 male to 2 females, and bring the rest back to them. 1 male and 2-3 females is the ratio you are trying to achieve with these guys, that will result in the most peaceful congregation you can get.
I would be VERY VERY careful with plecos or corycats, I have heard of these guys taking a turn for the agressive side once entering adulthood. I do know people have had much more success with the otto cats as they occur in the same river in India and coexist with dwarf puffers in nature. I generally keep snails in the tank at all times, as my tank is nice and heavily planted. When the snails get into a good hiding place they are hard to find, and with these puffers I have noticed out of sight is out of mind for them so they forget what they were looking for. I have had a lot of luck with live brine shrimp, you can gut load them with some good nutrients, and they puffers LOVE LOVE LOVE to chase them down and eat them.
I have noticed with the snails, they have a hard time eating enough of the snail to really fatten their bellies like they get with frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp.
Also, If it is possible with your LFS, I would grab more than you needed, so that you can make sure you get a ratio of 1 male to 2 females, and bring the rest back to them. 1 male and 2-3 females is the ratio you are trying to achieve with these guys, that will result in the most peaceful congregation you can get.