Those of us with tanks too small for plecs will have to keep dreaming of a small species Lol
how about rubber-lipped plecos AKA bulldog plecos? they get 2-3"
I guess so but unfortunatly I had to choose between 1 BN or a group of cories and only 1 were available when I went to choose, curse my impatients. Nm, who knows, my Cory kebabs on sunday could free up some space.
I guess so but unfortunatly I had to choose between 1 BN or a group of cories and only 1 were available when I went to choose, curse my impatients. Nm, who knows, my Cory kebabs on sunday could free up some space.
Is that going to be one of your specialities as a chef...cory kebabs???
how about rubber-lipped plecos AKA bulldog plecos? they get 2-3"
how about rubber-lipped plecos AKA bulldog plecos? they get 2-3"
not 2-3" try 5-6"...
really small plecs I have are LDA25 - Pitbull plecs - they really do stay at 2-3"