Dwarf Pike Cichlids

The xingu (orange) pikes are not dwarf species, both known species will reach around 15 inches.
I HATE RESEARCH :angry: Iv found this pike in 3 different classifacations. But the most reliable source "IMHO" Vinny Kutty classifies this fish in the Wallaci species, wich is dwarf pikes? They say they rarley get over 4 inches. But every site differs in info! Im confused :no:
Hi there,

The Xingu pikes aren't dwarve's (as CFC already pointed out), maybe you missed this article on Vinny's site where, the pair were over 10" in length:

Orange Pike Spawning


No I accually saw that to. But when he made the list to classifie the the dif species. he had them in with the dwarf pikes :p Its just hard to find good info on a species. And most info is never the same. Thats why I love this Forum, Its better than going to LFS for info :good: Thanks guys!
I see where the misunderstanding has come in, in this artical http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/5491/art-dwarfpike.html the writer mentions that the emergence of new species such as the xingu orange pikes has changed peoples views on pike cichlids as ugly aggressive fish to fish that can be stuuningly beautiful, it then links to the orange pike index page where it clearly says the fish will reach 14 inches.

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