Fish Herder
I have 3 Dwarf neon rainbows in my 55g planted tank. I've had them in there for less than a week. 2 of the fish are in adult colour and one is more juvenile in appearance. What's concerning me is that the two more adult fish are becoming more and more aggresive with each other, by this I mean more than just posturing and fin flaring. I'm certain its not breeding behaviour as all three appear to be males. It's actually turning quite ugly at times, the larger one seems quite content with just flying at the other flaring his fins then pulling back but the smaller one of these two is meaning business by the looks of it when he goes for it he is flying forward fins flaring but with his mouth open and often physically bangs into the bigger one, is this real aggression being shown or are they just trying to set their pecking order and would their behaviour change if I increased their group by another 3 fish.I studied these fish for a long time in my lfs and in there they seemed to be the best of buddies, I was under the impression that these fish were supposed to be quite peaceful community fish........... any advice gratefully received