Dwarf Neon Rainbow (Praecox) Free

at £22..

fish are perfectly fine in bags for longer periods of time, provided it is done properly. how do you think you get fish from asia/india?

im sorry but i would agree you should not post first class it can be days till you get them sometimes, it is not guarnteed and the chance of them dying is very high even when done properly.heat will be reduced alot, oxygen starvation. etc
It should not be 22pounds this is only when it is over the 2kg,
i can get 4 bags of fish in a box for under 10pound usually special delivery next day. so i'm not sure where your going wrong here. 1 bag of only six fish even if it was split in 2 it should stilll be under 2kg mate
they are going in more than 1 inch of water, thats why it is over 2kg, mate.
gavo sent the fish at 2pm this afternoon first class.

they are 3 fish per bag, in about a litre/litre and a half of water with bag buddies, double bagged in hamster bedding (cotton wool type stuff, very good for insulation) in a polystrene box, in a plastic bag, in a cardboard box, in another plastic bag.

hopefully they'll be ok!

let me know when you get them and if theyre ok :)
Fish arived this morning all alive and now in my main tank :)

The size of the box they were in was like having a fish tank delivered :hey:
oh excellent. let me know how they get on :)

lol did you like the hamster bedding i had to use because we had no newspaper!!

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