Dwarf Loaches


New Member
Jan 17, 2011
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Hi all new here and wondered if any body could help i purchased 4 dwarf loaches on saturday. they all seemed happy n fine get on with the other fish but today ive noticed a couple now n then going on to there side and they seem to be hyper ventilating and lookin dull ive checked water and it seems fine all the other fish are fine and shrimp is fine has anybody got any ideas?any suggestions would be great thanks regards mick.
Hi Mick, how are the loaches doing now?

If they are new additions to the tank they can take a few days to settle in, the laying on their sides is very common with most loaches and the lack of colour is often reffered to as greying out and can be a result of dominance battles which are again common among newly established groups.

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