Dwarf Lionfish

blue... well, blue assesor comes to mind, but I'm not sure if they'd get big enough.
There's a few types of dwarf angels, check out liveaquaria. They may nip corals.
There's chromis, but they'll be eaten or if you get a group, they'll kill each other after a year or two.
Damsels might be fast enough to keep from being eaten but probably not.
And there's wrasse which come in every color imaginable. That's probably your best bet for a blue fish that's reef safe and won't be eaten, IMO.
well in answer to your question what are lionfsh like. i think they are amazing creatures. i have one of the larger species a volition (sp) (i can never remember how to spell that haha) in a 25 GAL tank for now. he is only about 2" so he should be ok for now until i upgrade my tank over the next few weeks.
i feed mine a mixture of things. i feed him frozen lance fish (silver sides) frozen/live brine shrimp and the live baby platty every now an then. facinating to watch them feed. at first they will not accept frozen so get a small fish (small enough for it to swallow in 1) and take it from there. dont forget that they only need feeding 3-4 times a week. you can feed them alsorts like cockels mussles prawns brine shrimp but be sure to alternate their diet around for good health and dont give them a diet of live fish. o and you can also feed them feeder shrimp. mine was only £18 because of how small he is but even 18 pound is a bargain i sugest you shop around for a bit. if your anywere near lancasheir or liverpool its called wavetree nook aquarium.
you can put tangs in with them and triger fish so long as they are unswallable (i dont know if that is a word) for the lionfish to swallow. great and the staff are realy friendly. here are a few pics of my lion


lion fish are great fish and very hardy. only causion which im sure you are aware of is their sting in their fins. the results are simalar to a bee sting if not slightly worse. but every time i have had my hand in he dont go near it as he realisers it is too big for him to eat.
good luck and Pm me if you want any more info onn my lion

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